What Are You Doing, Lila

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The faint chime from my phone, alerting me that I have a new text, broke me out of my sleep.

With my eyes still closed, I rolled from lying on my side onto my back.

Why does my mouth taste like watermelon and....some kind of berry?

These....are not my sheets. I only sleep in silk sheets. This is not my bed.

I opened my eyes and looked around. The room was cold and dark, but beautiful, and I was alone in it.

It smelled like a glorious mixture of oak, gardenia and chocolate.

Where the hell am I?

I pulled the sheets off of me and looked down at myself, I was naked, except for my panties.

Oh, God.

And my panties felt....sticky.


I looked over and saw my purse on a desk near a window and walked over to get it, but in my hazy state, I wasn't paying attention and tripped over some clothes.

I just stayed on the floor. I was too tired to get up again. I hurt all over. I just woke up and fuck this day already.

I grabbed one of the shirts and pulled it on, then looked over at the jeans that almost killed me.

I grabbed them and felt all of the pockets, and found a wallet. I opened it.

I found a driver's license that showed a photo of Harry, full name Harry Edward Styles.

So, I was lying on, what I'm guessing, the floor of Harry Styles' bedroom....in sticky panties.

WHAT have I done.

I heard a door open and I looked to my side to see a sideways Harry standing there with wet hair only in gym shorts and no shirt, covered in tattoos.

And he was just plain hot as hell.
I was taken aback.

Even in my hangover hell, my body reacted to the mere sight of him.
My heart began to beat faster just looking at him.

I tried to ignore the physical effect that he had on the inside my panties, but I couldn't control it.

He smiled down at me, "I was downstairs and heard a loud thud", he walked toward me and with a low laugh said, "I think it's your smooth grace that I'm attracted to".

Guilt flooded over me instantly.
"Why am I here?", I asked, closing my eyes.
"Gravity", he answered.
I looked at him out of the corner of my eye, warning him.

"You were drinking and I wasn't going to drive you to Zayn's.
I brought you here, where you belong", he said, looking me up and down, "In my bed".

He bent down and lifted me up, careful not to touch the bruises on my left arm. I noticed that he smelled like watermelon too.

"Did we....", I looked over at his bed and back at him. I didn't physically feel like I had had sex, I just hurt all over from my hangover, but why are my panties sticky?

My head.
I can't even think, I'm so confused and in so much hangover pain.

He smiled, raised one eyebrow.
"Did we...", he copied and crossed his arms in front of his bare chest and pretended not to know what I was asking.
"Harry", I gave him the same warning look.

"Last night, you fell asleep on the way here. I carried you to my bedroom and tucked you in, then I left to go sleep on the couch".
I exhaled and rolled my eyes at myself in relief.
Thank you, God.

"About five minutes later, I heard some noise coming from my kitchen. I walked in and found you at the refrigerator, then in the pantry", he smiled big and said, "Long story short, you ate all my Fruity Pebbles. And then you ate some watermelon flavored Jolly Ranchers.

Watermelon and berry flavored taste in my mouth mystery answered.

"You then...."
Oh Dear Lord, what.

"....you got back in bed", he finished.
I sighed, once again in relief.
Harry smiled at me and looked down with a wistful expression.

My phone chimed again and I walked over to my purse.

From Gwen:
Hey woman-hope you're not too hungover! I need to get your clothes back to you😄 I hope you don't mind, Niall asked me for your number.

Ahh, yes, the fun girl from last night, I'm wearing her shirt and she's got my clothes.

Niall, the blonde guy from her group of friends last night. He was so nice, I didn't mind him having my number at all.

From Niall:
Hi Lila, this is Niall, Gwen's friend from last night. I was wondering if you'd like to have lunch today :)

"Who's Niall?, Harry said, grabbing my phone and turning his back to me to look through it.

"He's one of Gwen's friends, you met him last night. Harry, I've got to get to my Jeep-"

"You're not going to meet him, are you?", he frowned at me.

"No, Harry, I've got to get home, I've got t-"

"I'm going with you", he said sternly.
"No, no way", I said, waving my hand through the air, "Are you crazy?"

"I'm starting to feel like it", he breathed out.
"I am too", I looked down and ran my fingers through my hair.

What are you doing, Lila.
You're engaged.
You spent the night in another man's bed.


I am starting to feel crazy.
The more I was around her, the more I needed to stay around her.

Especially after what really happened between Lila and I last night.

The Lyre: Harry Styles FanfictionNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ