I Just Can't Get Enough

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I heard the glass crunch under Harry's shoes as he walked out of my house.

I walked toward my bedroom as I made some calls to have the back doors repaired.

I sat down in one of the chairs near the windows of my room and stared out of them.

Everything that's happened in the past few days had me winded.

Kalila hasn't had any of her panic attacks for at least two years now.
I thought we'd gotten past it.

Did moving bring out some anxiety?
But she told me she wanted to live on the beach.

Kaly's always had a wild streak, but she's really starting to derail.
She's pulling away from me.

This can't happen
I need her

I sat still, resting my head on my hands with my elbows on my knees.
My heart couldn't take losing her.

I'd give anything to go back in time and just stay in the city
None of this would've ever happened

Yeah, but Kalila wanted to live on the beach and I give her everything she wants

I had to stay close to the city for work and Rosewater was the closest town with the prettiest beach, so I bought her a house there.

I sighed and took a deep breath, running my hands through my hair.

And now she wants time alone

I walked out of the front door and locked up.


I watched her get a bottle of water out of the refrigerator.

She glanced at the glass doors that led out to the back deck, where I was hiding, and I stopped breathing, but then she turned the kitchen light off and walked away.
I exhaled in relief.

I clamored to get down the deck stairs as fast and as silently as I could.
I had to find where she was now.

I was elated to find a tiny crack in the window shades of the room that she was in, but as soon as I found her, she stood up from the bed she was sitting on and made her way out of the room.

I decided to stay still. I had a feeling that she was coming back.

After thirty-seven minutes, she came back wearing a white robe and her hair was wet.

She took the robe off and I could see her naked body from the thighs up.

I couldn't blink as I rubbed my jaw, watching this perfect creature on the other side of the glass.

She pulled the bed sheets back and crawled into bed with nothing on, then grabbed her phone off a nightstand.

She turned off the lamp next to the bed, but the light of her phone illuminated her face as she did something on it, so I could still see her.

She put the phone back, facedown, on the nightstand and the room went black.

I sighed and quietly made my way to the front of the house.

Lightly stepping, I silently reached into a vase and picked up a single key, then went to the front door.


My alarm went off at 4:45 a.m.

In the morning, I'm never a pleasant person.
It's always taken me a while to get fully awake, but until I do, it's best to just stay out of my way because I could bite.

After I brushed my teeth, I got into a white bikini and headed for the kitchen.
It was still dark out, but the sun would be rising soon and I didn't want to miss it.

I grabbed a banana, peeled it, took a bite huge enough that only an inch was left, then tossed what was left into a trash bin.

I unlocked the new glass doors, but stopped chewing my banana as another hit of guilt coursed through me, thinking of Zayn.

He, once again, instantly took care of another disaster that I was ultimately responsible for.

I miss him
I should be with him
No I shouldn't

My thoughts fought each other.

I need this time
I need to be away

But I want Harry
I like Niall


Fuck this
I'm so lost that I don't even know how to handle myself anymore

Why am I struggling so much lately
I can't get out of my own head

This is exactly why I need this

I walked out onto the back deck and looked over at my boards.

Smiling, I grabbed one of the smallest ones and made my way down to the beach.

The sun began to peak over the water and I sat down to watch it reveal its brilliance.
The brightness casted gold glitter across the water, one of my favorite sights.

I breathed in deeply, wishing I could bottle every sense I was feeling. The warmth, the salty air, the grit of the sand, the sight of the glittering gold.

Once the sun rose above the sea, I stood up and just twirled out of sheer happiness for the gift of it.

I grabbed my board and I headed for the waves.


I watched her ride the waves like she was part of them.

I'd never seen anyone look so free.

It was like being able to see a symphony instead of hearing one.

I felt like I was invading a private moment, but I couldn't look away.

I held up my phone and videoed her, needing to capture just a few seconds that I'd treasure for an eternity.

She suddenly dove off of her board and into the water. I watched her swim out further into the ocean.

She floated and let the waves carry her back to the shore.
It looked like the water was cradling her, relaxing her, soothing her with its rocking.

When she got closer to the shore, she stood up and looked around for her board, spotted it and went to get it.

The waves were slapping against her as she walked to her board, then one particularly strong one knocked her off her feet.

She fell forward and did sort of belly flop onto the water and I could not stop my laugh.

I watched as she pulled herself up and grabbed her board, laughing the whole time.
Then she did something weird, but it seemed natural to her. She splashed at a wave, like the ocean was her playmate.

She's playing with the ocean

I watched this girl, this beautiful, silly, wet mess.
And I can't get enough.

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