Can I Take You Home With Me

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I walked through the restaurant, there were hardly any people in it. I finally spotted Lila sitting on the back deck, by herself.

She sat, right ankle crossed over her left knee, drinking and on her phone.

A group of people walked past me, going out onto the deck.

One of the girls from the group of people immediately started talking to Lila and Lila waved her over. They must know each other.

A brunette girl went over and shook Lila's hand, then she waved the rest of the group over and they all shook hands.

They looked like they were introducing themselves instead of saying hello.

I guess Lila doesn't know them, she just somehow attracted them to her like she does everyone.

I breathed in deeply and exhaled through my nose.
This girl.
It doesn't matter where she is or who she's with, she brightened both.

I watched her smile at the girl, then the smile turned mischievous and she bit her bottom lip, her dimples grew deep, and I felt butterflies in my stomach.

It was the sexiest thing I'd ever seen in my life.

Lila suddenly stood up, grabbed the bottle of wine in front of her and walked toward the beach, the brunette following her.

They walked out of my line of sight and my smile faded. I quickly walked out of the front door and around to the side of the restaurant where I could see a side angle of the deck and the beach.

I saw them walk toward a dune and rounded it, the people on the restaurant's deck couldn't see them.

Lila put the bottle down and started unbuckling her belt, then undid the button of her jeans and pulled down her zipper.

"What the hell are you doing, Lila", I said to myself.

Oh God, she's going to pee on the beach

I closed my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose.

Then she stopped and took each of her boots off.


The other girl was sitting against the dune, laughing and sipping her wine.
Lila pulled her skinny jeans down to her knees, then hooked her fingers under the bottom jean hem of her right leg.

She hopped on her left leg, balancing as she pulled, starting to hop faster as she lost her balance and face-planted into the sand.

I covered my mouth, not able to stop the laugh that blurted out of it.

The brunette let out a shriek of laughter that I could even hear from where I was. She was pointing at Lila, as Lila rolled herself over onto her back, pants pulled halfway down, covered in sand, laughing.

She lied there for a minute before she sat up and dusted it all off.
She got her pants off, then began to unbutton her shirt.

I quickly looked to each side of me and whipped around to see if anyone was behind me, no one was.

It was just me, being a stalker.

I turned to look back at her anyway.

Now the brunette was standing, taking her clothes off, both of them still laughing.

What the hell...

Lila unbuttoned the last button of her shirt and slid it off, revealing that she wore black, but completely see-through hipster panties bra.

I inhaled sharply, watching her breasts slightly bounce as she walked toward the other girl and I couldn't breathe or blink.

I take it back, her biting her lip wasn't the sexiest thing I've ever seen.
This was.
But what was this...

The girl had taken her black t-shirt off and was holding it out to Lila. Lila took it and slipped it on.

"They're switching clothes", I said out loud.
"Yeah. They just met and are exchanging outfits", I said in the form of an answer to myself.
"That's completely normal".

One of the guys from the group of friends was making his way toward the dune.

Lila was reaching down to pick up the girl's skirt from the sand and she was still just in the t-shirt and her almost non-existent underwear.

The guy was getting closer to the dune.

I didn't plan on letting Lila know I was here, but, "Fuck it", I muttered and ran out to head him off.

Just as he was about to round the dune, I called out to him, "Oi!", he stopped and looked at me, "Mate!"

"Yeah?", he eyed me up and down.
" might want to, well, hang on..."

I walked around the dune and found Lila fully clothed in the other girl's t-shirt and skirt, but on the ground laughing hysterically as she watched the brunette wearing her white shirt, but making the weirdest faces while trying to pull Lila's jeans over her butt.

The guy came from around the dune and looked at the both of them.
"What the hell? Gwen, what are you doing??", he said and then looked at me.

I shrugged and looked at Lila, unable to keep from smirking down at her.

I shook my head, "Alright, young lady", I said, reaching down for her hands.

"Harry?", she started to calm down from the laughing.

"Come on", I grabbed her hands and pulled her to her feet.
"What are-"
"You're coming home with me", I told her, bending down to grab her boots.

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