Hips Don't Lie

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I looked down at the soil, recognizing the shape that was tattooed on Lila's hip bone.

Lila walked over, stood next to me and peered down at it.

Her face went from surprised to confused, then to what looked like...hope?

"W...what...is it?", she asked Ellaque.

"What is it"?
It's the same as her tattoo
How does she not know what it is?

Ellaque sighed and looked at both of us with loving patience.

"I told you", she smiled.
"Lyra", she said and again pointed to the sky, "This is the shape of Lyra".

What the fuck is Lyra?

Lila stood, looking lost in thought.
Ellaque smiled at me, then to Lila, but then appeared so exhausted that it worried me.

"Are you okay?", I put my hand on the old woman's shoulder.

"Si, si...", she said calmly and reassuring, "Just old. You will see when you are eighty eight, Hoyuelos", she laughed, weakly.

She looked from me to Lila, then back to me.
She patted my cheek and whispered one word.

She then slowly made her way back to the house, leaving Lila and I alone.

Lila was looking down at the soil.
"The constellation", she said, barely audible.
"Orpheus...that's right..."

She looked up to the sky like she was in a trance.


Her eyes looked like she went somewhere else.
"Hell and back", she whispered and pulled the top of her skirt down a little. She looked at the tattoo on her hipbone like it was the first time she was seeing it.

The distant howls of coyotes broke through the night's darkness, making Lila jump and look around herself.

"How do you get a tattoo and not know what it is?", I asked with a raised eyebrow.

She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, then explained the story of her life to me, or at least, what she knew of it.
I stayed quiet, listening to her, shocked and fixated.

"Bits and pieces of memories have surfaced once in a while over the years, but nothing ever pieced together and made sense....until today".

She looked over at the house.
"When you said that Ellaque called you a lyre, something happened....and I passed out. I don't know why. While I was out, I remembered some things that connected."

She told me about remembering a psychiatrist telling her the story of the constellation, Lyra, about Orpheus. But she didn't put the shape and name together until Ellaque pointed up to the sky.

She went on to tell me that, one day, Zayn told her that he'd go to hell and back for her.
Just like Orpheus did for his love.
And just like that, she knew he was the one.
He was her Orpheus.

My face began to ache and I realized that I was clenching my jaw so hard that it hurt.

"Wait", I said, needing to interrupt.
"You're marrying this guy because he once said he'd go to hell and back for you?"

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