If You Don't Wanna Take It Slow

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Zayn was dazed.
"Cher...what's going on?", he squinted at her, holding his jaw where I punched him.

"Here, come lie down on the couch...let me help you", Cheryl pulled Zayn up, led him over to the couch and he laid down, too confused to question why.

"I'm going to get more water...and some....ice", Cheryl said, trying to stall.

She slowly smiled at Zayn and I noticed her falter a little as she took a few steps.

The drug's already kicking in
It took effect a whole lot faster than I thought it would

"We should have more drinks", she said, smiling down at Zayn, "You poor little...pretty little pretty head of hair....", she said ruffling his hair.

"We're...drinking? Wait. Fuck, where's Kalila?!", Zayn said, confused, sitting up, fast.

Cheryl raised her eyebrows and hands up, looking bewildered.

She froze that way for a while and looked like she was getting more and more confused.

She looked at Zayn, then to each of her hands that she continued to hold up in the air.

Cheryl hummed slowly, smiling, a quiet chuckle building inside of her.

Zayn looked at her and smiled.
"What's funny?", he sounded the slightest bit dopey.

"I don't know what to say at this time right now, tonight", she said, sincerely, then she looked at him like she was in shock, but kept her hands up and Zayn's smile got bigger.

He's starting to feel it
But I'm going to give it a few more minutes to make sure that he's fully into his high

"I'm going to...", Cheryl didn't finish her sentence and just walked out of the room and came back with a bottle of vodka.

Oh shit Cheryl
They're both high
They're going to get hammered
Well fuck
I guess whatever it takes to get the job done
And alcohol with the "roofie" will ENSURE that Zayn won't remember anything

I watched them on the couch, taking turns, swigging from the bottle, then Zayn leaned over and started aggressively kissing Cheryl.

I instantly got my phone out and took pictures of it, but watched closely.

Not really violating

I got clear shots of them making out, but they disappeared from my view, the back of the couch hiding them.

I immediately walked into the room and rounded the couch they were on.

Cheryl's panties were lying on the floor and Zayn was starting to unbutton his jeans.

I grabbed his shirt and jerked him off of Cheryl.

Zayn fell to the floor in his drugged up condition, not understanding what was going on, at all.
He was acting on pure urge, because of the Rohypnol.

I looked to Cheryl, now completely naked under her black lace, her eyes rolled back, completely fucked up.

"H-Harry? It's HARRY, Cheryl", Zayn snorted and pointed to me, "It's bizarre, tonight!", he slurred.

He stood and grabbed my shoulder, trying to find his balance, but began to fall backwards.
I grabbed his lower back and pulled him to me.

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