Compliments to the Chef (Modern AU) (Gajeel x Reader)

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It had been a long day at work and now you were currently laying on your bed, scrolling through your phone. Your legs hung off the edge and your arms were slowly going numb due to how long you had bern leaning on them.
It was a Friday night and coincidentally,  your birthday. You really wanted to stay at home and watch cheesey movies while eating junk food but your friends had convinced you otherwise. And so, you had to be ready in half an hour to go out to a restaurant.

You finally dragged yourself off the bed and over to your wardrobe where you shifted through the clothes, trying to find something suitable to wear.
You managed to find something and quickly got ready before waiting for your friends to collect you.

The next thing you knew, you were in a restaurant with a deep red carpet and comfortable chairs.
You were chatting happily to your friends, eating the delicious food that had been made for you when a thought suddenly crossed your mind.
"I need to thank the chef," you mumbled to yourself
"What was that, Y/N?" One of your friends asked.
You repeated yourself, louder this time. Your friend nodded to your request and called over the waiter who then scuttled away to fetch the chef.

The chef now stood in front of you, looking flustered. He had long, jet black hair that was pulled out of his eyes in the form of a ponytail. He had holes in his nose and around his eyes where you guessed that piercings would go if he wasn't at work.
"What did you want?" He asked.
You hesitated a bit. "The food was great."
"Thanks but I've really gotta go and sort out a cake," he said, hurring away.

The water glided over, "I'm sorry. Fridays are always hard on chef Redfox."
"Why?" One of my friends asked.
"They're always busy," he replied as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

You shook off your strange encounter with the chef and continued to enjoy your birthday with your friends. When the lights suddenly dimmed and the room was met the with an eerie silence.
Candles started to come towards you and there was a low murmer of, "happy birthday to you."
Your friends smirked at you before bursting into song, causing you to bury your face in your hands.

A cake was placed in front of you by chef Redfox. He grinned at you before gesturing at the candles. You blew them out and he started to cut it.

"I hope I see you again," he said as you were getting ready to leave after eating as much cake as possible.
"Yeah," you agreed, before leaving.

You noticed something in your coat pocket and took it out. It was a folded piece of paper with a number written on it. You smiled to yourself and promised to go back someday.

--I hate writing this on my phone but I couldn't be bothered to go get my laptop. I hope you liked this one--

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