Cuddles and Milkshakes (Mira x Reader)

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It had been exhausting for you during the past few days. You were off working a job and you didn't realize how long it would be. But finally, you were home and you only wanted to do one thing - go and see your girlfriend, Mira.

You sighed to yourself as you dragged your luggage through the streets of Magnolia on your way home. But of course, she would still be at the Guild Hall, bar tending. She was great at what she did and she was always happy, thoughtful and caring while doing it. She always made sure that everyone got served. But she was always doing it - which resulted in you two not being able to spend much time together. At least the time that you two had together was cherished by both of you.

Your legs started to tire and you were wondering whether to just go home to the house that you two shared and wait for her there. You decided to go straight to the Guild Hall. You wanted to see her and you knew that if you went home, you would be asleep in seconds.

She saw you straight away. Her eyes lit up as they locked onto your e/c ones. She was cleaning down the side and had lifted her head to see who had just entered. She never thought you would be back so soon. A huge smile made it's way onto your face and she reflected the smile back to you like a mirror. In a split second, you had dropped everything and with a burst of energy, you ran into her arms. Her arms wrapped around your body as you buried your face in the crook of her neck.

"I've missed you so much, Y/N!" She laughed. Her laugh was like music to your ears.

"I've missed you too," you said, but your voice was slightly muffled.

She let you go before taking your hands in her soft ones and leading you to the bar. You pulled yourself up on to bar, your legs dangled off the side. You stared at Mira dreamily, how did you ever get so lucky? She smiled up at you as she got you the usual milkshake. You sipped it through a straw as you watched her serve other people. She was so beautiful. You loved everything about her. Her warm eyes, loving smile. Her silky hair and soft skin. You told her whenever possible that you loved her and vice versa. It had become a game for you two - who could tell the other that they loved them first?

You looked forward to tonight. These nights were the nights where you would appreciate each other's company and talk until the morning. You would stay up all night - either cuddling on the sofa or in bed, watching a movie and in your pjs. And the night would always - no matter what - end with you two falling asleep in each other's arms.

You could feel your eyes begin to droop and a small, angelic laugh sounded beside you.

"We'll get going soon, okay?" Mira said.

You nodded and carried on drinking your milkshake.

"I got a new movie while you were away," she said, cleaning out a glass. She looked up at you with dark blue eyes, "we can watch it tonight if you want. I remember last time, you fell asleep halfway through."

You laughed along with her.

You two walked home together, hand in hand. Her fingers were linked with yours. You still dragged your luggage behind you. That was the only thing making any noise. The wheels rattled on the stone street.

You both changed into your pjs when you got home and snuggled under the covers on the bed. You had decided to leave the movie for tonight, all you wanted to do was just talk. You wrapped your arms around Mira and rested your head on her chest. She also had her arms wrapped around you but one hand was playing with your hair.

Oh, how she loved you. She loved your laugh, your beautiful eyes, your skin. She loved your jokes, even the bad ones, she loved the games you two played. She loved going out on dates with you, even if it was just a walk around town. Mira had no idea what she would do without you. She was always worried that you would get hurt on a job - just like Lisanna. So she held you close, and she held you tight so you would stay safe and close.

"So," Mira said, "what happened?"

You then launched off into a story of your job. She listened to every word, still fearing for your safety. She saw your eyes close as you ended the story. She pulled the covers up to your shoulders to keep you warm and placed a small kiss on your forehead and then your nose. She giggled as you wrinkled your nose because it tickled.

"Mhm, Mira?" You said.

"Yeah?" She asked. She knew what was coming, but decided that she wouldn't beat you to it - this time.

"I love you," you said.

"I love you too," she said.

And just like all the other nights, you fell asleep in each other's arms.

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