Sleepy Sketches (Rogue x Reader)

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Ideas/Requested by: TurtleLover618

Rogue's POV:

Frosch is already falling asleep on my shoulder as we walk back from the guild. I guess the steady rhythm of my footsteps is lulling her to sleep. 

The air is quite chilly but I walk briskly through it - just wanting to get home. It will be warm at home, and I'll get to see Y/N. 


I haven't been spending as much time with them recently and I should have been. I'll make it up to them when I have time. 


Ever since Sting became master of the guild, I've been doing a lot more to help him out with things. Time has been scarce over the past few weeks due to how busy I was. But Sting will understand won't he? I need time off to spend it with Y/N.

I close the door as quietly as possible when I get back. I find Y/N sprawled out on the bed. The covers are to the side of them, their hair covering their face. I chuckle at this and pull the blankets over them to keep them warm. 

As I'm pulling back, I see something resting on Y/N's chest. A sketch book. 

I frown and pick it up with me. I turn it over and look at the pages. It's covered in rubber ends and there are smudged lines across the page - from previous attempts I'm guessing. In the center is Frsoch and I, drawn with a pencil. The lines are sharp and it's clear that Y/N has payed great amounts of attention to it. 

Y/N stirs and opens their eyes. We hold eye contact before I say, "this is really good." 

They give me a small smile but I lean down and kiss them anyway. They're just too adorable not to.

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