What The Hell? Where's My Awesome Background Music? (Yandere!Rogue x Reader)

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Ideas/Requested by: MayaDragneel123

--this contains a lot of swearing--

Suddenly, you were very thankful for physical education. All those years doing compulsory sport and running had led you to become relatively fit and healthy. Of course, as soon as you left school you stopped exercising, only pushing yourself to the max when the TV remote was on the opposite end of the sofa and you had to stretch to reach it.

However, you had to get back in shape when a certain dark haired male walked into your life. 

He didn't seem to grasp the fact that you didn't like him as a lover, and so with each rejection, he only tried harder.

And so, that led you to your current situation: running from him down a dark street.

"Why can't you just accept my love?" He yelled, feet pounding on the concrete street, trying to reach you.

"Fuck you, Rogue!" You screamed.

Rogue was the new student at you college and he was in most of your classes, so of course you befriended him, being the kind and caring person that you were. He was fine at first, shy but sweet and funny when you two were messing around. However, over the past few weeks, he had been acting weird; he snapped at your friends when they made plans with you and he almost never left your side.

He used to walk home with you when you first became friends, it wasn't the best decision to let him walk home with you because he learnt your home address. 

You were going over your notes for a test that was coming up when there was a knock at the door. Glaring towards the direction of the door, you cursed your parents for going out, meaning that you had to go open it. Capping your pen, you left your desk and jogged down the stairs. You peeped through the hole and saw Rogue standing outside under the light of the porch.

"Y/N," he spoke up, loudly so that I could hear him if I were upstairs. "I was wondering if we could revise together. You're so good at this stuff...I -" he sighed and rubbed the back of his head with his hand.

You scrunched your nose and pondered. Should you let him in? Your eyes flicked to the floor and you slowly backed away. Padding across the floor, you made your way back to your room to continue studying.

A little while later there was a tapping on your window. Pausing your music, you tried to hone in on the sound to figure out if it was real or just your sleep deprived mind playing tricks on you.

"Y/N..." Rogue's voice called.

You gulped. He had climbed up to get atop the porch roof that was directly under your window. He tapped on the window again.

"I know you're in there, Y/N. Please?" He begged,"it's cold out here."

"Then go home!" You called out.

The bang on the window made you jump and your heart began to thump. He let out a shaky laugh, "sorry Y/N...did that make you jump?"

It went quiet until you heard scraping against the window. A cold draft entered your room, making you shiver. Glancing behind you, you saw Rogue entering your room after somehow opening the window.

"Oh, fuck this," you cursed, grabbing your phone, keys and a pair of shoes. Shoving the shoes on as you ran downstairs, you yanked the door open as you dashed outside.

"Where. The fuck. Is my background music?" You panted. After all that you had been through, why didn't you get amazing music like people in films get?

You slowed as you reached a metal fence that blocked your way. Groaning, you looked around for something to climb over. There was nothing. You looped your fingers in the hole of the fence and pulled yourself up.

Rogue was zoning in.

You reached the top of the fence and flipped him off before jumping down to the other side. You continued running.

Looking behind you, you saw that Rogue had hopped the fence easily and now he looked pissed.


Your legs were beginning to burn and your lungs were tightening. As you were beginning to panic, you tripped over thin air and fell to the floor.

Rogue skidded to a halt, his face that was once contorted with rage was now soft with worry. He started to make his way over to you; taking your opportunity, you scrambled up from the floor and dashed. Your jeans were scraped and you could feel your knee sticking to the material - it was bleeding.

"Y/N, wait! I -" He called. He stood there for a few seconds, contemplating on what to do.

He made up his decision and took off in a sprint after you. 

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