Halloween Hide and Seek

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Requested/Ideas by: Calmsunshine240

Halloween night. The members of the local guild in Magnolia were all out and about again. This time, playing hide and seek. And of course, you were joining them, as a member of Fairy Tail. 

Two people would seek at once, they could split up or search together. All magic was allowed and all fighting was banned. Remembering the last few years that you were a part of this, that last rule didn't work at all.  

You hid in a tree and looked down at the forest floor below you. Levy was in a tree too and she was close. You had heard her follow you since you nearly never get caught. Gray and Juvia had also come into the forest. You weren't surprised that they came in together, wherever Gray goes, Juvia goes. 

Gripping the branches tightly, you shuffled around to get comfortable. Then you waited. You were warm enough and no one was getting close to you so your eyes began to close. 

They snapped open again when you heard a high pitched yelp, "guys! This isn't funny!" 

It was Levy. There was the sound of twigs snapping and someone falling from the tree. Did Cana and Natsu find her already? That was a bit harsh to pull her from a tree. 

You leaned forward, lowering your head through the leaves to try and get a better look. Levy saw you, her eyes were wide with fear as she was being pulled away by two people. Two people that were not Cana or Natsu. 

"Y/N!" She shouted to you for help. 

You dropped from the tree and tried to help her but they overpowered you. They dragged both you and Levy from the forest. 

Sitting in a cell with one of your guild members was not how you wanted to spend Halloween night. You gathered that Levy thought the same thing when she was sighing in the corner and glaring at everyone who looked at her. 

You didn't even know why you had been kidnapped in the first place. Usually when people kidnap each other, they have a good reason - this time, there was no reason at all. 

Suddenly, there was a series of crashes and loud shouting. Two familiar faces popped up at the cell door: Cana and Natsu.

"You really took this hiding business to the next level," Cana joked. 

"Worked, didn't it?" You replied, climbing out of the cell with Levy at your heels. 

"Actually..." Cana sighed. 

"We found you first," Natsu interrupted.

Levy shot him a glare, "are you serious?" 

"Priorities," Cana whispered, jokingly. 

"We'll be the best seekers you've ever seen," Levy stated. 

Fairy Tail x Reader OneshotsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя