Cooking (Modern AU) (Erza x Reader)

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--Okay so I leave for a few days and this has gone up at least a few hundred reads. You guys are the best!--

It was just a lazy Saturday morning. You were laying in bed under layers and layers of blankets with a mug of hot drink next to you and a plate of food in front of you. Your favourite book was in your hands and you devoured every word page by page. Until there was a knock at the front door. 

You looked at your book to the food to the mug and then at the blankets. Then your gaze drifted to the bedroom door where you hoped your glare would reach outside at whoever was disturbing you. 

In one swift move, there was a book mark placed snuggly inside the book. Then came the tricky part. You were warm and as soon as you left your little cacoon of heat, you would freeze. It was a harsh world. 

It would be quick, you told yourself, just like a plaster you have to rip it off. You tore the blankets off and quickly rushed to the front door, hoping to get back soon. 

As soon as you opened the door, you groaned. This would not be over quick. 

"Hey Erza," you smiled. 

"Up for some baking?" She asked, already pushing her scarlet hair up into a ponytail. 

Ah, a dilemma. 

"Sure," you said, welcoming her in. Hello cake.

Erza had been to your house many times before so she quickly settled in. She got out scales, ingredients and baking trays. She then took two aprons off a hook, put one on herself and tied the other around you. 

"You look freezing," she remarked.

You only nodded in reply. 

She smiled brightly at you before opening a cookery book, "I was thinking about a strawberry cheesecake. Or what about red velvet?" 

Her long fingers traced the words on the page before flicking to the next. You shrugged when she looked to you for advice, "I like all." 

She twirled past you to reach the stereo to play some music. She then started dancing while mixing things together. You shuffled over to help her. Something had her in a trance as she took you by the arms and started to dance around the kitchen with you. She then lowered her hands to your waist and dipped you low, like a ballroom dance. 

"I love you," she said before booping her nose on yours. 

You laughed as you felt a blush creep to your cheeks. She set you upright before continuing with the cake.

"Let's get this finished," she said, "and then we can pig out on the sofa and watch movies all day." 

Fairy Tail x Reader OneshotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon