Memories (Zeref x Reader)

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--Is this one sad?? I don't know, let me know if it was - I guess??? what even are these anymore?--

Deathly silence ran through the forest. Nothing stirred, nothing moved, nothing breathed. 

Everything was dead. 

Not even the wind ran through the forest - it was as if the whole place was still. As if stuck in a time frame - a photograph. 

But aren't photographs meant to bring back good memories? Happy memories? There certainly wasn't any happy memories here. Nothing good happened here - Zeref learnt that a long time ago. 

Dry twigs snapped under his footsteps as he walked - with what seemed like no purpose - through the dead forest. His head hung low, black hair covering his eyes that held so much sorrow. Draped in a cloak of black, he looked almost like a shadow - or a restless spirit. But he was neither. 

Nothing dared come near the forest anymore. It was shrouded with sadness and horror - anyone stepped foot in it was deemed mad. And yet, Zeref visited every year. 

On the same month.

On the same day.

And at the same time of your passing. 

The memories he associated with this forest were ones that only brought him pain and agony. But laced within them was another emotion. Love? He had only ever felt that emotion for a fraction of his long life: when he was a boy and when he was with you. 

The forest seemed to morph as he continued his journey. It was back to a fresh green one, filled with an abundance animals. It was just his mind playing tricks on him again - he shouldn't get his hopes up too much. 

He saw you running past, the same grin on his face that he fell in love with. You were just running, having fun, just like you normally would in the forest. 

And then the forest morphed again, now showing the time of when you two first met. 

Zeref stopped, he couldn't stand it any longer. But he pressed on, he would finish this journey, just like every year. He just had to pay his respects to you. 

To tell you that he still loves you.

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