Party (Modern AU) (Laxus x Reader)

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Ideas/Requested by: _FashionDreamer_

--yolo amirite??? I'm going to do another Q&A so ask me questions here--

Voices drifted upstairs into your room. You put a book down and threw your legs off your bed. You knew who was downstairs and you just wanted to go and say hi. 

Your parents were out for the week so it was just you and your older sister, Evergreen. That wasn't her real name it was just something that she liked to be called - you were fine with this but your parents weren't. Evergreen was planning a party for the weekend - you were sure this was going to end badly but you didn't say anything - and she had invited some of her closest friends around to help. 

You poked your head around the kitchen door and saw them all crowded around bowls full of food. All of her closest friends were male. The oldest was Laxus and truth be told, he wasn't that bad to look at. 

"Y/N!" Bickslow bellowed when he saw you. 

You grinned, "hey."

"Help us set everything up," Evergreen said and you quickly nodded. 

Late night...

At least everyone was drunk - except you. You were hiding in your room.

Freed, the lightweight, had passed out on the sofa so Laxus had to take him somewhere safe so that he wouldn't get trampled. 

Then your bedroom door opened. You saw Laxus holding Freed in the doorway and you couldn't help but laugh.

"What are you laughing at?" Laxus asked, placing Freed on your bed since you were at your desk. 

You took a deep breath, "I didn't know you swung that way, Laxus."

Laxus looked at Freed and realized how it must have looked. He sighed, "you're so immature," he closed the door behind him, coming into the room. "And immature people must be taught in an immature way." 

You gulped. 

What was he going to do? 

He launched for you, barely giving you time to run. He held your back against his chest and started tickling you, making you laugh uncontrollably. You could barely breathe but he carried on. And then you fell...onto the beanbag. You were now laying on him. He did nothing but stare up at you. 

You could smell alcohol around him, he was probably drunk and would remember none of this in the morning. 

"You're drunk," you said. 

"I'm not," he replied. He could hold his alcohol very well.

"Do the roadside safety test then," you insisted.

He rolled his eyes at you. Then he kissed you. Your eyes widened but then you grew used to it. 

Then your door opened again. 

"There you are Laxus," you heard Evergreen say. A blush grew to your face as she then realized what was happening. "Y/N!" 

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