Friendsheep (Aries x Reader)

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Requested/Ideas by: ererixshipper469 

Throughout all the years of being friends with Lucy, you had noticed that one Spirit of hers was always quieter than the others. Aries always tried to hide in herself, make herself become invisible, but it never worked with you. You would always notice her hiding in the corner of rooms and only speaking when spoken to. You wanted to change this. 

It was late at night, the stars were in the sky and they were shining brightly. The window was open by the tiniest crack and the air in the room was cool. You were lounging on Lucy's bed, playing with some of your hair when a thought crossed your mind. 

"Hey, Lu," you said suddenly. 

She looked up from her desk where she was jotting down ideas, "yeah?" 

"Why don't you start talking to Aries everyday?" 

A look crossed her face, "huh, why?" 

"So she gets more used to people. She's terrified of people, have you seen her?" You said. 

She nodded, and signaled for you to continue. 

"If we make her feel comfortable, show her that we're not all like Karen, then maybe she can loosen up," you said. You looked at Lucy to see what she was doing. 

She nodded again, slowly this time. "That's actually a good idea."

"Granted, it might not work. But we can still try, right?"

You didn't hear from Lucy for a few weeks after you stayed at her place. You had hoped that things would work out and Aries would gradually become more comfortable with everyone. 

Lucy opened up the door when you knocked and ushered you inside. Aries was sat on the bed. Her hands were no longer hiding her face but they were curled up on her lap. Progress. She still looked slightly out of her comfort zone but hopefully she would open up more over the next few weeks. 

You sat down in a chair and started talking to Lucy first who quickly realized what you were doing and joined in. Scaring Aries by talking to her straight away was something that you didn't want to do, so you would ease her into the conversation. 

"What do you think, Aries?" You asked, holding up a photo cut from a magazine. "Would this look good on me?" 

She looked shocked at first but then timidly took the photo and studied it. She nodded, "this would look great on you." 

She handed it back and you continued to talk to her. You were careful not to bombard her with questions, she didn't need that right now. 

The sun was starting to set by now. In that time, Aries had spoken more. Then something happened that you didn't expect. She laughed. 

Lucy froze and you were trying to process what happened. She laughed. At one of your jokes. Lucy couldn't hold it in any longer and started to laugh too. 

You had done it. Aries was opening up and you had encouraged it. You smiled, knowing that something good happened today. 

--I don't know what happened here. I started typing and didn't stop--

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