Too Late (Rogue x Evil!Reader) (pt 2)

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Ideas/Requested by: Mad-i-sonFUN

The next few days were spent drifting around the Guild, not really knowing who to speak to. I knew what my task was, how to complete it was something different entirely. I dropped in on conversations but learnt nothing and no one told me anything unless I asked.

Throughout all of my drifting, I had noticed that he never quit looking at me: Rogue. He would observe me from a distance as if trying to figure me out. Did he know anything? I doubted that, but he had that inquisitive look about him - he would find out sooner or later.

Or so I thought...

He approached me when I was sitting alone eating something. He started to talk to me and at first I panicked, thinking he knew something. But, as I eased into it, he just wanted to talk. I didn't understand what he was doing at first but then a few days later, he made everything very clear.

"Y/N," he started one of our usual conversations.

"Yeah?" I nodded, taking about out of my food.

"I, uh - I really like you okay?"

I had to stop myself from choking on my food. Me? He liked me?! This was something entirely different to what I had thought - he was different.

I was about to reject him - let him down easy - when a sly thought seeped into my head. I could use him...

"You do?" I asked, playing up the sweet act.

He nodded in reply and slightly blushed.

I hid my head and slowly said, "I do too."

The news had spread quickly about our relationship throughout the guild - and even other guilds in the area. Now all I had to do was play up this love act for a few more weeks until I had what I wanted. Now with Rogue at my side, nothing could go wrong...

Collecting information from Rogue was easy. He was devoted to me and would tell me anything that I wanted. His cat however, Frosch, was more skeptical of me. They would never come close to me and always kept a weary eye on me. But that didn't matter I was leaving tonight, I had everything I needed to report back to my proper guild.

I stuffed the last of my clothes into my back when I heard a groggy voice still filled with sleep, "Y/N? Where are you going?"

I sighed. Rogue...

--Part 2 so part 3 will be out soon and I'll make it interesting :o --

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