Idiot (Erza x Injured!Reader)

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Ideas/Requested by: Burgundy_wolflegend

As you hit the giant oak tree, you felt something snap. You couldn't process everything that just happened as you fell to the ground, groaning in pain as you crumpled into a ball. You were alone, useless and afraid. 

You felt the shadow of the beast creep closer and closer. It felt cold as it shielded the sun, blocking out all light. You anticipated the final blow, but nothing came...

Instead, you heard a voice. A strong voice. A warrior's voice. 


"Y/N, you are such an idiot," she scalded you. "Wendy, tend to them," she ordered, "Gray, Natsu, Lucy with me." 

You felt a warm sensation spread through you, followed by a tingling feeling as everything healed. You twitched your fingers, getting used to moving again. 

"You should start to feel better soon," Wendy said, smiling above you. The sun was visible again but only by a bit. Erza's fighting took up most of your vision. She moved so gracefully...but she was so dangerous at the same time. 

Your eyes never moved from her as she was fighting for you but as soon as she locked eyes with you, you turned away. She told you not to go on that job alone but you went away, thinking you could handle it. Your strength could never match that of Erza's but you still wanted to be as strong as possible, in any means necessary. This, however, only brought pain and humiliation. 

Erza shooed everyone away and crouched low next to you. By this point, you had your back against the tree and your knees were pulled up to your chest. She stared at your eyes, but you didn't return her stare.

"Why did you go alone?" She asked, voice soft and low.

You didn't answer.

"Why did you go alone, Y/N?" She asked again, her voice rising but only slightly. 

"I thought I could handle it," you mumbled. 

She sighed and placed a hand over one of your knees, "you should've asked for some help Y/N." 

"I didn't need help," you muttered. 

She gave you a look but then continued, "don't lie. You idiot, you could've been killed. You should've asked me to go with you at least. I wouldn't have minded." 

You lifted your head to look at her, "but you're with the Strongest Team. Why would you want to go with me?" 

She placed a small kiss on your forehead, "you really are an idiot." 

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