Miracle (pt 2)

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--lol maybe ignore what the book says--

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--lol maybe ignore what the book says--

Water cascaded down my back, trickling down the drain. I lathered my hair with shampoo, moving quickly to get clean. Tipping my head back, I let the water was away the suds before I grabbed the bottle of shower gel.

I wanted this shower to be over quickly. This wasn't going to become a shower scene in a movie - I wanted out or else I'll take two days and return to find that my family had been murdered while I was out being a prune.

Wiping off the last few suds on my wet skin, I turned off the water and shook my hands. I squeezed the water out of my hair and then stepped out of the shower, grabbing my towel. A silent curse left my lips as I realised that I would have to walk back to my room naked under a towel. 

Taking a deep breath, I unlocked the door and stepped out. Looking both ways cautiously, I then proceeded to scuttle to my room.

"You look a bit wet there," the dark demon commented as I walked in. He was led on my bed, the stack of books lay on the floor next to him. His piercing eyes wandered up and down my body, causing a frown to form on my face.

"Piss off out of my room," I ordered. "Let me get dressed, and then we can talk about this 'contract'."

He shrugged and nodded, seemingly okay with what I had just said. He rolled off the bed and walked past me, making no move as his arm brushed against mine. I stood there for a split second before I turned sharply and closed the door.

I got dressed quickly, not really caring about what I threw on. As soon as I was covered with a pair of pajama bottoms and a tank top, I opened the door. 

He stepped back in without me saying anything and sat back down on my bed. Slowly, I sat next to him.

"You said I summoned you?" I asked slowly, raising one eyebrow. All of it seemed surreal, it sounded like something that I would tell my little brother to get him to bed - he always likes stuff about angels and demons, especially demons.

"When you said you needed someone, so here I am, demon Gajeel. Trust me," he chucked, "a fair few angels were on their way," his voice darkened as he added, "but I wouldn't let them get to you."

I cast my eyes to the floor to avoid his gaze and sat uncomfortably until I asked: "so, what now?"

"I stay until you feel like you won't need anyone anymore," he stated.

"Y/N!" Natsu wailed, "what's for dinner?!" 

I sighed heavily and abruptly stood up. I glanced over to the demon Gajeel, who was getting up off the bed - I wouldn't be rid of him, would I?

I walked to the kitchen with the giant demon looming over me, it made me slightly unnerved.

For the next few weeks, he never left my side. He had lost his edge as being a scary demon, now he was just a clingy puppy. But, I had also realised that he had a humorous side, a musical side and a sometimes helpful side.

I sat at my desk, hunched over some work while I had a pen in my hand; Gajeel was led on the bed, as per usual, reading a book because he was bored. The room was silent until I heard the pounding of Natsu's feet upon the stairs and I knew that the peace would soon be shattered.

"Y/N..." he whined, obviously after something.

"Y/N is working now. Off ya go, little squirt," Gajeel said, trying to escort the little monster out of my room.

Natsu glared up at Gajeel. Raising one leg, he kicked Gajeel in the shin and screamed, "go away, metal head!"

"Natsu!" I thundered, grabbing his attention. "It isn't polite to kick." He looked up at me with wide eyes. "Now apologise and go bother Zeref."

Natsu mumbled, "sorry," and shuffled away. 

The more time he spent, the more I realised how sad I must have been to beg for anyone to help me.

"Gajeel," I whispered, glancing over to him sat at my desk. It was now night and I couldn't fall asleep. I had an exam tomorrow and I would have been able to fall asleep if it weren't for his glowing eyes.

"What?" He asked.

"Can you like...face away from me or close your eyes?" I questioned. It had been hard at first to get used to a demon staying in my room while he slept. Wouldn't it be a lot more amusing to go back to Hell while I was sleeping or something?

"But that's boring," he stated. "If I join you on that bed, will you be able to sleep?"

See? Annoying, clingy puppy.

"Fine," I sighed. I heard him stand up from the chair so I shuffled over to make some room for him. The bed dipped as he led down and a cold breeze ran up my leg as he stole some of the covers. I felt him turn over, and then I felt one of his arms drape around my stomach. "What are you doing?"

"Cuddling," he mumbled, wrapping his arm around tighter, "it helps humans fall asleep, doesn't it?"

"I guess?" His words held some truth and before I knew it, I was asleep. 

I awoke feeling cold and empty.

Something wasn't right.

I slowly rose from the mattress and looked over my shoulder to see where Gajeel was. He wasn't there. The bed was empty.

He never left my room and he certainly wouldn't go to get me some breakfast, demons aren't kind enough.

And then it dawned on me.

I had found someone.

I had found Gajeel. And our contract expired the moment I found someone...I wanted him back.

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