The Wait (Modern AU) (Mira x Dying!Reader)

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Ideas/Requested by: daleketchup

It was torture for her. Watching you waste away, day after day, she couldn't take it anymore. She had kept her spirits high to keep you happy but she couldn't continue anymore. 

Her smile was missing as she sat in her usual spot next to your hospital bed. You didn't even have the energy to greet her anymore, that was one of the things that shattered her heart. You had been admitted to the hospital a year ago due to an illness that couldn't be treated. They had done all they could to make you feel comfortable and to dull the pain. 

Both you and Mira knew that time was running short. 

You were sleeping when Mira sat beside you. She traced your pale face with her soft hands, moving some limp, dull hair from your face as she did so. Your hair had lost all life lately and so had your eyes. 

You stirred in your sleep and Mira quickly retracted her hand. She studied you for a bit until you settled again. She then moved her head to the flowers that were in her other hand. Removing the dead flowers from the vase next to you, she replaced them with the fresh ones. 

Someone cleared their throat behind her and she turned to face them. The doctor pulled her aside and gave her a quick update on your condition. 

Mira returned to your side. Her eyes sparkled as she watched you. She wiped her cheeks to get rid of any tears that lingered there. She knew you were deteriorating and she knew that she couldn't do anything about it. That was the part that got to her: watching you slip through her fingers like sand. 

She checked the time and sighed as she stood up. Visiting hours were over. She kissed your hand and then your forehead. Lastly, she kissed your lips and walked out of your room. Mira left with one last glance to your sleeping form. She would return again tomorrow to complete the painful cycle once again. 

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