The Feel of Snow (Gray x Blind!Reader)

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Requested by: Luna_Stormbluster  

I'm combining two of your ideas here, hope you don't mind. 

--It's only just occurred to me that there is a lot of Gray in this book :/ oh well.  I also have no experience with blind people so please if I offend anyone tell me! Tell me so I can correct it or I can take it down--

All of your life, you have seen darkness. Born into darkness and you will live in darkness. Your best friend, Gray, had been a great help in your life. He had been there to guide you and to comfort you when you felt down. You had grown so used to his voice and so attached to it over the years. It was a pleasure hearing him grow up in his first few years, it made sense to you even if no one else understood. 

You had been there when Ur died. You heard the sadness, the anger in Lyon and Gray's voice and it broke your heart. You loved both of them, they were your best friends and to hear them fight was something that you couldn't bear. 

They had separated after that, you were left alone, cold and confused. You didn't go with either of them since you needed time alone. When you finally realized that you had no way to get to them, you started to panic. Where were you? Where was the nearest town? These answers evaded you.

Over the past years, you had managed on your own, without Gray or Lyon. Someone had found you in the cold and had taken you in and helped you grow up. You thought you had heard the last of Gray until that one faithful day.

"Where are we going exactly?" Some one asked. 

"How should I know? It's a job, we find out soon," he said. Gray.

"Gray?!" You called. Did he still know who you were?

Only by chance would you hear him walking around in the center of town. You had no idea where he was or if he even heard you, it was busy at evening. 

"Y/N?" You heard him mutter. 

You started to walk towards the sound of his voice. Slowly but steadily, you navigated your way through the crowd. You slowed when you heard him shout your name again - close now, only an little further - and stopped when you bumped into him. 

"Gray," you addressed shyly. 

"Y/N," he stuttered slightly. 

"Let's go catch up," you said, taking his hand and taking him back home. He swapped over and took your hand, leading you through the crowd and to a little place that you used to go - just like old times. 

He said that jewel can wait and that his first priority was you again. He apologized for leaving you and promised to never do it again. 

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