Haunted (Demon!Gray x Reader)

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There was no doubt about it, your house was haunted.

Things would randomly disappear and then turn up a few days later. You overlooked that very first clue, thinking that it was just your fault for not placing objects in memorable places. However, you soon realised that it was something else when the more disturbing things started to happen.

At night you would feel eyes on you from all corners of the room. You would lose sleep and in the dead at night, you saw things move in the darkness. You tried to write it off as sleep deprivation and what it could do to you - you were trying to stay calm and reasonable, but of course, you couldn't.

You finally decided to talk to someone about it when you would feel icy cold hands brush against your skin at night. The contact made you shiver where you lay, but you didn't say anything in the moment.

Little messages had begun to pop up, written in red ink...or at least you hoped it was just red ink. 

The person who you had called over confirmed that there was something in the house. They told you not to worry and then he cleansed the house of negative energy, saying that it should do the trick.

The fact that the house had been cleansed soothed you and for the first time in a month, you managed to get a full night's sleep.

That didn't last long.

You woke up the next day to see a message on the ceiling above you: why did you try to get rid of me?

Needless to say, you scrambled out of bed to call the same person again, but they didn't pick up. You had to revert to some local ghost hunters. You didn't know if they could be trusted but in that moment, you needed help.

While you waited, you had got changed and had cleaned away the message.

The knock at the door made you jump, but then you quickly raced to open it. At the door stood two men, decked out with equipment. One was taller than the other and wore a pair of glasses. As they stepped over the threshold and into the house, they quickly exchanged a glance.

"What? What is it?" You stuttered, closing the door and facing them.

The shorter one held up a meter and pointed to the hand that was ticking wildly. "There's a lot of activity in here. What did the other guy say?"

"He...he said that it was just negative energy and he cleansed the house," you replied. You furrowed your eyebrows to stare at the man, "is something wrong?"

The taller man looked down at you, causing you to look at him, "this isn't negative energy. Is is okay if we do a search? We'll stay clear of areas that you don't want us to go near."

You nodded quickly, "yes, do what you must."

The two men nodded and then wandered away from you to search your house.

It wasn't long before you were called over. You gasped at what they had uncovered. A giant hole in the wall of the storage room. The hole was filled with darkness and held an ominous feel.

"Our equipment has actually stopped working because of the amount of energy here," the smaller one said.

"This isn't a ghost either, or a poltergeist," the taller one said, he pointed to the hole while looking at you, "it's a demon hole."

You felt a pit form in your stomach. There was a demon in your house?

"How did you never notice this?" The smaller one asked you, a confused expression painted his face.

"I never use this room," you said, "I just put things in it and leave."

The smaller one nodded, "right. Well you're going to need a priest -"

At the mention of the last word, a gust of air whipped into the room from the black hole in the wall. You shivered, something bad was going to happen, you could feel it.

The taller one peered into the hole, "that's odd." He then conducted a little experiment, "exorcism."

You jumped as he was thrown by something across the room. He hit the wall with a thud and slumped on the floor. The other one exchanged a panicked look with you. He looked back towards the hole and muttered something before running to his friend.

"I'm really sorry, but we can't help you," he said frantically as he lifted his friend up, "you need someone who can actually get rid of this thing."

The two men hobbled out of the house, despite your efforts to make them stay.

You were alone.

In the house alone.

With a demon.

You ran back upstairs after they had left to shut the door to the storage room. You froze as you saw a man standing in the room. His hair was black like his clothes. His face held a smirk that made you back up ever so slightly. He took a few steps forward. He kept walking until you were backed up against a wall. Your faces were mere inches apart.

"Why do you want to get rid of me, Y/N?" He asked. His eyes bore into yours. "I live here, just like you. This is my home as much as it is yours."

He introduced himself as Gray the Demon, but Gray was just as acceptable. He never hurt you while he talked, he just made you incredibly uncomfortable as you squirmed under his gaze.

"So, just stay here with me. You wouldn't want to meet a gruesome end like everyone else, would you?" 

Despite all your efforts after that, you could never leave. Whenever you found a new place to live, it was quickly bought or the advert for it would disappear. Whenever you left for work or to go out to buy food, the door was locked and your keys were nowhere to be found. Instead, fresh food would turn up in the kitchen, ready to be cooked. Gray would sometimes turn up now that he had made himself known. He liked to sit with you while you ate dinner, he never at himself, he only stared at you.

You were trapped. You were a prisoner. 

Fairy Tail x Reader OneshotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang