The Rivalry (Teacher!Gray x Teacher!Reader)

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Requested by: Luna_Stormbluster

It was just another typical day. Driving to work, boxes of books in the back, ready for another day of teaching. The school year had just started and even though you were happy to be working again, you were already counting down the days until Christmas. Who wasn't? 

You were a history teacher and you were good at your job. Opposite your room, however, was a geography teacher and you didn't get on. It was going to be a fun year with him across the hall.

Your tutor group was just filing out of the room to go to their first lesson so you quickly got everything ready for the lesson that you were about to teach. You had already head a few rumors going around about you and Gray but you ignored them. They were made by the students because they thought it was funny. Even though they were started a few weeks ago, everyone knew and they just wanted you two to get together. 

Halfway through teaching, he came in. He lent on the door handle and peered in.

"Yes, of course, come in, I give my permission," you stated sarcastically. 

He sighed, "any spare books?" 

You shrugged, "I don't think so." 

"Can you check?" He asked. 

A few people were already giggling at this encounter. There were whispers as you passed him to the cupboard. You searched and pulled out only one book. You handed it to him. 

"Anything else?" You asked. 

"Aww so cute," someone muttered loud enough so you could hear. 

"No," he muttered and closed the door behind him. 

You continued with the lesson and hoped that there were no more distractions. 

A few days later, he arrived again. You were marking in your lunch break and didn't notice when he came in. 

"Y/N," he said, grabbing your attention. 

You turned to him, "Gray?" 

"Any red pens? I've lost all mine," he asked. 

You put down what you were eating and went to grab a pen. As you were giving it to him, you noticed something in his hand. 

"Popcorn?" You questioned. 

He looked at his hand in shock, "I didn't realise I brought these with me." 

You snatched it out of his hand to look at it, "this looks nice." 

"Y/N!" He shouted. 

You laughed but gave it back, "I'm not stealing food, don't worry." 

He sighed, "thanks for the pen." 

You walked back over to your desk and continued marking some year 8 book. As he was about to leave, he stopped, "want any?" He asked, shaking the bag.

You cocked your head but he just shook the bag some more. You nodded this time and he disappeared out the door. He arrived a few seconds later, carrying a pile of books and more snacks.

He put everything on the table near you and handed you some popcorn. You munched on it while he opened a book and got the pen ready. 

"I'm not leaving you alone with my snacks," he answered before you even had time to question it. 

"Okay..." you mumbled. 

"I guess you're not that bad," you said after a few minutes, "you share food...but you're a geography teacher." 

"Being a geography teacher is a good thing," he protested, "but I guess you're not that bad either."

"Thanks," you said quietly. 

"Mind if I put some music on?" He asked. 

"Go for it," you said. Soon enough, music was drifting through the room. Not too loud so it was distracting but not to quiet so you couldn't hear anything. 

Someone knocked on the door and then entered, "hey M L/N," they said but stopped when they saw Gray. 

"Yeah?" You said, like nothing was wrong. 

They tore their gaze away from him and handed you some paper, "the homework." 

You nodded, taking it and putting it on the pile of things to mark. 

Faint laughter could be heard as they walked out to go and join some friends. You knew that was coming. 

"Since you're not that bad," Gray started. You looked up and tapped your pen on the desk out of habit. 

"Want to grab some coffee sometime?" He finished. 

"Yeah sure," you smiled. Oh, the students were going to go crazy over this...

--I hope you all liked this! I got stuck halfway through but I finished it anyway--

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