Let Me Hear You Fall In Love (Laxus x OC) (SMUT)

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It all seemed like such a blur. Everything melted into one around her as her attention drifted to the soft, teasing caress of Laxus. His eyes fixated on the road, one hand on the wheel, tapping to the heavy drums of the song playing in the background. From his face alone it seemed as if he was concentrating on driving, but he was focused on what was inbetween Aella's legs, and precisely what his hand was doing.

"Do we have to listen to this?" A sigh came from Evergreen. Directly behind the driver's seat with her elbow on the side of the door, propping her head up, she rolled her eyes. She was always shoved in right behind Laxus as she needed the least leg room. Evergreen was never a fan of the music choices in Laxus' car, or how loud it was played at for that matter, but at times like these she had no choice but to get a lift from him.

"You need to stop complaining, the music rocks," Bickslow argued back. For some weird reason, he always demanded the middle seat and manspread as far as he could.

Freed began to mumble from behind Aella. "My eardrums will burst soon."

A finger brushed up her slit over her already soaked underwear. And then back down. Breath hitched in her throat and she almost vibrated with need. A need to be caressed, filled, and used. But not yet. The car had to be empty first. This was just teasing and a clear demonstration for how easily he could break through her usual demeanour. She met him in their first year of university and he quickly broke down her walls of innocence, corrupting her from the good girl she had once been through and through.

"If you don't like it," Laxus spoke, voice deep, dragging low, "you know the rules." Those last words had been spoken to her many times before but in a very different context. Aella couldn't help but wonder if they were directed to her: behave. Evergreen rolled her eyes but didn't respond.

They slowed to a halt at the traffic lights. The journey seemed to be going at a snail's pace. Laxus was slow to move after a light change and they seemed to hit every single red light. It was almost as if he was dragging it out on purpose. It was a game to them, with the sole purpose of not getting caught. Two years ago, Aella would have turned up her nose at the thought of doing something like this, but now, she couldn't get enough of that high from the risk.

He turned his head to her and maintained eye contact as he applied some pressure to her growing heat. Slow circular movements. Heat rushed to her cheeks and he smirked at the sight of it. Laxus could feel the throb of her against him and knew she was growing desperate.

"Are you feeling alright, babe?" Her eyes widened with shock. "You're not burning up are you?"


"Yeah, you're looking a bit red there, Aella," Bickslow agreed.

"Do you feel sick?" Evergreen asked.

Aella's blush only intensified tenfold. Laxus pulled his hand away from her and placed the back of it on her forehead. She squeezed her legs shut. "It seems like you have a fever, babe." He placed his hand back on the exposed part of her thigh and gave it a small squeeze.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10 ⏰

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