Snowflakes in the Dark (Gray x Reader)

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It was cold. You were cold. It was dark. You were getting annoyed. 

You wanted to go home. You wanted hot chocolate. You wanted your bed. But no, you were lost in Magnolia and you had no idea where you were. And to top it off, it was snowing...and you didn't have a good coat. 

You had only joined the Guild a few days ago so Magnolia was very new to you. You should've bought a map. You had gone to the market to get some supplies with the little money you had saved from your first job. That trip didn't go too well. It took at least an hour to get there. And's been at least three hours now since you started to try and get home. The sun had set early due to it being winter. The air was cold and crisp so no one -except you- was out on the streets so you couldn't ask for directions. 

You shivered in your coat. You never really had to deal with snow where you were from so you only had a light coat for breezy days. Not days like this. You didn't have much money anyway and a coat was something that you could get later. You just had to brace the cold, wind and snow for now. You let out a breath. You could see it dance in the wind and then get blown away. You trudged through the snow that was only getting heavier and heavier.

"This is it," you said, "this is where I die." 

"Y/N?" Someone asked. Through the thick layers of snow, you could see Gray, walking towards you. As usual, he was topless but had somehow managed to wear a scarf. Clearly the cold didn't affect him in any way. 

"What are you doing?" He asked, getting  closer.

You held up the bags in your cold hands, "shopping trip disaster." 

He laughed.

"So what about you?" You asked, lowering the bags. 

"Taking a walk. Natsu's being and idiot again," he replied, now standing in front of you. 

You let out a small laugh, "you must like the cold then, huh?" 

"Yeah," he nodded, "It's peaceful and beautiful. What about you?" 

"I like it," you said, taking a moment to notice the beauty of the snow. You never payed attention to it while you were trying to get home. "When I'm inside with a hot drink." 

"Lost?" He asked.

"No, I love walking aimlessly around for hours on end," you said sarcastically. 

He laughed at your comment, "alright, alright. Calm it." He joked.

Gray had managed to navigate you through Magnolia to get you home. You opened the door and stepped into the warmth. Moving boxes were still strewn everywhere. Some were open with things hanging out when you had to look through them for something. This was your weakness. Packing and then never unpacking. You really should get round to that soon...

You turned to face Gray who was still standing outside. 

"Coming in?" You asked.

He shook his head, "nah. I'm going to wander for a bit." 

But before he left, he put his hands together and then opened them to reveal what was inside. It was a snow globe, a literal globe made of ice with snow flying inside. Your name was carved in it. 

"Well this won't last for that long but since you don't like the outside world when it's snowing, you can appreciate this," he said, giving it to you. 

You were shocked. What were you meant to say? So you did what came to mind.

You wrapped your arms around him, "thanks for the sculpture. And for helping me today."

He didn't know what to do at first but then his arms relaxed and pulled you close to him. 

"No problem," he said, "maybe we could do it again sometime?" 

"Getting lost? I'd rather not," you joked.

"No," he said, pulling away, "help in the city. You need it." 

"Yeah. Maybe we can get some food while we're at it?" You suggested. 

"Yeah," he nodded. He started to walk away, "see you tomorrow!" 

You waved him away and then collapsed on your bed and waited for sleep to take you. 

--Well I hope this one was good too. At least it was longer than the last one--

Fairy Tail x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now