Average (Mira x Injured!Reader)

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Ideas/Requested by: PatriciaCosta522 and daleketchup

--I'm getting so many requests for Mira lately and it's making me really happy. I'm hitting two birds with one stone here so I hope you don't mind if I combined two ideas!--

Just an average day. Just and average job. And yet another average injury. 

It was normal for you to disappear from the guild every now and then for a job and people had begun to accept it. A few people still got a little worried when you didn't turn up for a while but you would always reassure them when you stumbled through the doors. 

Now was one of those times. You sat at the base of the tree, just watching the world go by. Your heart still raced after the recent fight and your leg throbbed from pain but apart from that, you were doing fine. It was a warm summer's day - not the setting pictured for a fight but hey, things happen. 

You would get up in a few minutes and hobble back to the guild but a few more minutes out here couldn't really hurt. You felt your eyes begin to close as you drifted off into a sleep...

"Y/N! Oh my gosh, Y/N! No!" You heard someone shout. 

Your eyes snapped open to see just who was waking you up in such a rude manner. As your eyes came into focus you could see white hair draped around pale shoulders. The fringe was tied up and tears glistened off her cheeks. 

"Mira! What are you doing?!" You shouted back, waking up fully. 

She sniffed back tears, "I thought you were dead!" Her voice turned hard and filled with anger, "don't you ever leave me!"

"What made you think I was dead?" As far as you knew, you looked peaceful while you slept. 

"You were covered in blood and you looked like you weren't breathing!" 

Ah. That might rouse some concerns. 

You sighed and pulled her onto your lap which was easy since she was hovering over you. She gasped lightly, her frown leaving her face for only a split second until she saw your smirk and then it returned. She leaned close to your face, making you blush like mad, and whispered in your ear, "don't you ever leave me. You can't leave loved ones." 

You laughed and whispered against her neck, "so that means that you love me?" You knew that drove her crazy due to the hitch in her breath and the heat radiating off her. 

She leaned back and stared into your eyes, her gaze intense. Then she leaned forward and placed her lips on yours, both of you melted into each other's touch. Your grip tightened on her waist as she deepened the kiss. 

You suddenly pulled back, a mischievous glint in your eyes and a smirk on your lips, "we can't do this here." 

A blush crept to her cheeks but she slowly got up off your lap, taking one hand and helping you up. You followed her as she led you back and wondering, 'how did I ever get so lucky?'

--I hope this was okay!! Comment opinions and give feedback!--

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