Bonfire Stories

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--I'm so ready for Halloween--

"And then..." Natsu whispered, leaning in, and looking into the eyes of everyone in turn, "BANG!" 

You jumped due to the sudden noise in the silent night. 

"They get ya!" He finished, laughing to himself. 

"That wasn't funny, Natsu," Lucy complained. 

"Well a ghost story isn't meant to be funny," he retorted, leaning back. 

The fire crackled in front of you. You held your hands over it to try and warm your hands in the crisp air of the Autumn night. It gave off a warm glow that illuminated the other members also sat around the fire. Some twirled their marshmallows around while snuggled up with each other under warm blankets. Others were yawning while trying to stay awake. 

It was quite late, any other day and you would be in bed right now. Your breath twirled in the frosty air in front of you as you pulled the blanket closer to you. Looking around, you noticed that you had the biggest blanket and you had it all to yourself. 

You felt something tickle you neck. No one was looking at you, they were already drifting off or just talking to the people around them. You turned your neck. 

"Boo," Bickslow popped. 

You screamed as soon as you saw someone behind you. The shock had sent you falling from the log you were sat on. The cold, hard floor greeted you as you landed on it. The others had jumped as they saw what happened while you scowled at Bickslow who erupted into laughter. 

His laughter was infectious. Natsu had started to join him and soon the whole circle was giggling. You couldn't help but crack a smile. You hauled yourself back onto the log and dusted your hands off. 

"I've got a good story," you warned, "just listen..." 

--I just had this small idea but hopefully it's still good!--

Fairy Tail x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now