The Countdown (Soulmate AU) (Lucy x Reader)

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"Hey, Luce," Natsu said, rolling over on her bed to grab a small clock on a table. Natsu had arrived in her house just before the thunderstorm started and Lucy really didn't want to send him out in the rain. Happy was sleeping next to him on the bed, curled up in a ball with some blankets draped over him.

"Hmm, yeah?" She asked, not looking up  since she was working on something at her desk. 

Natsu moved the clock around in his hands, "what's this?" 

She put her pen down and looked up to what he was talking about. She shrugged, "it's a clock, I've always had it." 

Natsu paused and stared at the clock digits, "it's not even the right time. Have you never reset it?" 

She moved around in the chair to face him, "I could never find out how. I don't think you can." 

Natsu started to try to push different buttons on the clock to try and change it but nothing worked. 

"Maybe it's broken," Lucy suggested, "I've had it ever since I can remember." 

Natsu shook his head and tapped at the clock face, "it's still ticking." He narrowed his eyes at the numbers, "hang on. It's counting down." 

Lucy walked over to the clock and took it from him, "I told you it was broken." 

Natsu snatched the clock back when he saw the bottom of it. He flipped it over to get a better look at it.

"What are you doing?!" Lucy shouted trying to grab the clock back. 

He swatted her hands away, "it has a name on it. Y/N...yeah Y/N. Ever seen that?" 

"Why would I look at the bottom of a clock?" Lucy remarked, quickly taking the clock from him and looking at it for herself. 

"So who's Y/N?" Natsu asked, swinging his legs over the edge of the bed. 

"I don't know," Lucy mumbled. "I wonder why it's counting down." 

Natsu stood up and peered over her shoulder, "" 

The clock went blank when it got to zero and it didn't show any signs of turning back on. Lucy placed it back on her table and started to walk back to her desk. It was a faulty clock that went the wrong way. She had only kept it because her Mother told her that it was important.


There was a loud knock at the door followed by two more. Lucy rushed to the door to see who it was and why they were out in a thunderstorm. She opened it and behind it was someone who was soaking wet. Their (h/c) hair was stuck to their face and their clothes hung heavy on their body. They started to say something but Lucy quickly pulled them in out of the rain. She led them upstairs where they could get warm.

"What are you doing out in the rain?" Lucy asked them when they were wrapped in blankets. 

"I got stuck in it," they admitted, "thanks for helping." 

Natsu sat on the floor next to them both, "so what's your name?" 

"Oh, it's Y/N," they said, pulling the blankets closer as they shivered. 

Natsu grabbed the clock and flipped it over to show them the bottom of it, "like this?" 

"Yeah," they nodded. 

"Why is your name on a clock?" Natsu asked. 

They shrugged, "I have no idea." 

"It probably means nothing, Natsu," Lucy said. 

"You never know, Lucy," Natsu said, moving back to the bed. 

The person stopped and let one hand off the blankets, making it droop a bit. Lucy moved forward, pushing them back up, "don't do that, you'll get colder." 

They opened their bag with their hand and pulled out a clock that looked exactly like Lucy's. They flipped it over to show Lucy the name on the bottom of it. 

"Lucy," she read her own name. 

Their eyes locked together. 

"Any idea what it means?" Lucy asked. 

"None, what so ever," Y/N said. 

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