The Clash of the Thunderleigon (Endings) (Laxus x Reader x Bickslow)

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--Have fun??? !!! The endings are all really short so I'm sorry!!--

--ALSO THIS IS KINDA IMPORTANT: I'm closing off requests for a while. Just because I have so many to do and I need to get through them all. I can't keep up with all of my school work and it's just getting really stressful. So, I'll still try to update everyday but no more requests for now, please?--

Laxus' Ending: 

"Y-you like me?" You stuttered, "both of you?" 

They both nodded in reply. You turned your head to Laxus, "you like me?" 

"Why wouldn't I like you?" He replied. 

You hid your face, blushing slightly. You felt bad to let Bickslow down, he was one of your closest friends, but he was one to mess around with and you just couldn't see a relationship with him. 

Laxus had changed ever since he came back. He had different morals than before and even though he still came off as a cold person, he had softened inside. And it showed whenever he talked to you. 

Truth is, you had noticed that Laxus had changed. And it drew you to him. 

"Laxus," you said. 

The table was silent after they had both confessed. 

He looked up at you. Everyone else looked as well. 

"I accept you," you said. 

Bickslow's Ending: 

  "Y-you like me?" You stuttered, "both of you?" 

You looked at Bickslow from across the tabled, "you like me?" 

He nodded and even though you couldn't see from under that metal visor of his, you could tell that he was grinning. The thought of it made you smile to yourself. 

The table was silent after they had both confessed. 

You had always liked Bickslow. He made you laugh and he was just fun to be around but you knew that he could be serious when he wanted to be. Plus, when you two fought together, it was so powerful. 

"Well, Bickslow," you said, "I like you too." 

Both Endings: (Ending requested by: JustThatGalaxy)

Polyamory is the practice of, or desire for, intimate relationships where individuals may have more than one partner, with the knowledge and consent of all partners. It has been described as "consensual, ethical, and responsible non-monogamy".

"Y-you like me?" You stuttered, "both of you?"

They both nodded in answer to your question. It was a lot to take in at dinner. Evergreen and Freed were both silent. 

"I like both of you," you mumbled. 

"Both of us?" Bickslow exclaimed. 

"What are you saying?" Laxus asked. 

You sighed, how could you explain it? Different thoughts were rushing through your head, how would they take this? How would the others take it? Would you be shunted? 

"I guess what I want to say is..." you hesitated, "I want to be in a relationship with the both of you." 

"How would that work?" Bickslow asked. 

That was different to what you expected but you were glad it wasn't shouting. 

"I'm guessing that Y/N is polyamorous. Meaning that Y/N can have more than one partner at a time," Freed explained. 

"It's all consensual," you added, getting flustered. 

Laxus and Bickslow shared another look but this time it wasn't a glare. Then they looked back at you - coming to a conclusion...


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