University Headcanons

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Natsu - physical education

Lucy - creative writing, astrology 

Lisanna - veterinary studies 

Juvia - marine biology  

Levy - languages, creative writing, English literature

Erza - fashion design 

Gray - economics

Elfman - nutrition

Jet - physical education

Droy - botany

Gajeel - engineering, music 

Cana - astronomy, astrology 

Laxus - criminal law

Bickslow - hospitality 

Freed - classics, ancient languages 

Evergreen - cosmetology 

Mira - early years education 

Jellal - philosophy 

A few of the subjects above are quite self-explanatory but for those that aren't: 

Erza as fashion design to create new looks of armour and general outfits. Her wardrobe is filled to the brim with pieces she's created. Gray seems like someone to study economics. Change my mind. Laxus I brainstormed with a friend; criminal law is what we settled on from starting with law enforcement, which seems like a viable option for him in the future of a modern setting. Bickslow can possess people. Of course he would work in a hospitality setting with increased charisma.


- drunk Laxus is quite a sight to see. He will always be seen with a can of cider/beer and does some really out of pocket things. Like, put traffic cones on the limbs of Natsu to turn him into a star.

- Erza stayed up in the workshop one night to work on a design. After one too many coffees, the mannequins started moving.

- Elfman always berates people on what they eat and can always be seen with a whey protein shake.

- The guys' house (consisting of Natsu, Gray, Jet, Droy, Gajeel and Jellal) once had a mouse invade. The video on Droy's phone shows Gajeel trying to stomp it, Jet trying to catch it with a cup, Natsu screaming at it, Gray screaming at Natsu, and Jellal trying to devise a plan.

- The guys' house is a mess and bowls are often left in the sink to grow new ecosystems.

- Cana supplies weed but the place to smoke it is at the Thunder House (consisting of Laxus, Evergreen, Freed and Bickslow). Bikkie puts up lanterns in the garden for mood lighting.

- The girls' house (consisting of Levy, Lucy, Cana, Juvia and Erza) adopted a stray cat and have to hide it from the landlord. When Gajeel found out he started going over a lot more.

- Mira works at the campus bar and models for Evergreen and Erza.

- Lisanna's room is filled with Ikea stuffed animals.

- Jet, Cana, Laxus, Bickslow, and Gajeel are the only ones who can drive (although Gajeel has a motorcycle) so they're the ones roped in to giving lifts. Bickslow drives like a maniac and Laxus always has the music blaring something like AC/DC

- When annoyed at his housemates, Freed messages the house group chat in ancient languages so no one can decipher what he's saying.

- Gray secretly joined a dance society and is really good at it.

- Gildarts is a professor and has beef with all the other professors in the department because he's the most liked one.

- Natsu always ends up in other people's classes.

- The guys started a group chat where they only send voice messages of their farts. Freed left straight away. Natsu, Gajeel, and Bickslow get really into it.

- The girls arrange a night a month where they get together to do face masks, nails, and rant. Freed is eventually invited to join.

- They go to the beach in the summer and Natsu is specifically banned from touching the BBQ.

- They arrange movie nights at other houses. Each night has a theme. One week it's romance movies and the guys get really into them. 

- For Halloween, the Thunder House went as the Teletubbies - it was Bickslow's idea and no one had anything better. They made Laxus the yellow one. 

- Cana takes hip-flasks to her lectures.

- Cana is the undisputed champion of beer pong and is always first pick for teams.

- For Christmas, they pull names for secret Santa and exchange the gifts at the dinner. The cooking process for dinner is a disaster and not organised one bit but it somehow turns out good. After, they put on Elf and sleep off the food.

- Bickslow is the type to moan randomly to make people feel really uncomfortable.

- Gray wears crop tops to university

- When Gray gets a car it always smells really nice. Food and Natsu are specifically banned

- At a halloween party, drunk Gruvia find an inflatable pool and use it to reenact little mermaid.

- At the same halloween party, Gajeel is dressed as a police officer and threatens to arrest everyone. Lucy takes him up on this offer and gets him to arrest Jet, who has constantly been flirting with her in the night

- Laxus and Evergreen are the platonic duo that judge other people and gag when people ask if they're a couple

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