Breakfast in Bed (Modern AU) (Drunk!Gray x Reader)

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Ideas/Requested by: sarcastic-baka

--Hooooo MotherDuckingFreckledChristOnABike it's Halloween tomorrow!! I nearly forgot!!--

Gray was taking way too much time to get ready. You were only going out to Natsu's birthday party, why was he dressing himself up? Besides, when he got drunk, he just took all of his clothes off anyway. It was a bad habit of his but you always stopped it before it escalated too far. 

Somehow, you were ready first and you were now standing at the front door, present in hand and impatiently tapping your foot.  Gray tumbled out of the bedroom that you shared and smiled at you before joining you at the door, taking the keys as he did so. 

You just followed him out of the door and down the street as he walked to Natsu's house. He held your hand as you two walked together. 

The house was packed. Granted, it was a small house but it was still packed. You and a few others had formed a small little group at the back of the house where you could talk quietly. Gray ha already gone off and you were curving your drinking - Gray wouldn't survive if you were drunk too. 

Loud music pulsated through the house and empty drink cans were littered everywhere. You felt sorry for Natsu in the morning - having a splitting headache and having to clean wouldn't be a good thing. 

Catching sight of a clock on the wall, you gasped. How could it be two in the morning already?! You only just arrived! Didn't you..?


"I have to go check on Gray," you mumbled, excusing yourself from the group. 

"Aww, Y/N! Stay a bit longer!" Levy whined, trying to grab your arm. 

You shuffled out of her reach and squeezed past the groups of people. Finding Gray wasn't that difficult...especially when he's on the table and dancing like a madman. 

He caught your eye and smiled, he had lost his top already - luckily it wasn't that much. 

You pulled him off the table and the stench of alcohol nearly made you topple over. Gray really needed supervision around Natsu...

"Okay, we need to leave," you said. 

"Why?!" Gray shouted over the music. 

"You'll thank me in the morning," you explained, dragging him to the door. 

He saw the time on the way past and laughed, "thank you." 

When he caught a glare from you he decided that the best thing to do was to continue, "y'know, because it's the morning... No? Okay..." 

Gray was tripping over himself on the way back and the worst part was that he couldn't stop laughing. Normally, you would've laughed along with him but right now all you had to concentrate on was him not getting hit by a car. 

He kept sprouting nonsense on the walk home. You couldn't understand most of it but you caught a few parts here and there. Especially when he told you that he loved you. That was hard to miss. He was talking about dancing before it just slipped out of his mouth. Then he just giggled like it was nothing, a blush creeping to his cheeks as he gazed into your eyes. He kissed your nose and then turned and walked into the front door - forgetting that it wasn't open. 

"Ah! Mother f-" he shouted while clutching his head.

You placed a finger on his lips, "I'm going to stop you right there."

You unlocked the door and Gray tumbled in. You guided him to the bedroom where he crashed on the bed - not bothering to get changed. Sighing, you slipped under the covers, ready for sleep.

Gray awoke with a pounding headache. He tried to recall memories of last night but they were blurry. He remembered dancing on the table with Natsu but Natsu got dragged down by Gajeel to do birthday shots. Poor Natsu. Gray remembered Y/N dragging him off the table. The walk home was a blur...but he remembered confessing to Y/N. That wasn't hard to forget. 

He turned over on his side and then propped himself up on one elbow. Y/N was sleeping next to him - that was one thing that he could never get used to. He loved waking up before them to see them beside him.

Shakily, he pulled himself out of bed and stumbled to the kitchen. He guzzled down a glass of water and then tried to rummage through the fridge to find something to cook. He stopped, he might have a hangover but he hadn't lost all common sense, Gray couldn't cook. He didn't want to kill the person who he loved. 

He turned to the toaster - perfect. 

Y/N leaned on the door frame to the kitchen, "what are you doing?" They yawned. 

Gray turned to them, a bit more aggressively then he had hoped and pointed to the direction of the bedroom, "get back to bed!" 

Y/N held up their hands in surrender, "okay then," and shuffled back to the bedroom. 

He put the last slice of toast on a plate and then went back to the bedroom. Y/N was propped up in bed with their knees pulled up and scrolling through their phone. Gray sat next to them and started eating a slice of toast. 

"So, did you mean it?" Y/N asked, "last night. If you remember." 

Gray nodded, "yes, I remember. And yes," he kissed Y/N's cheek, "I do love you." 

Y/N turned to him and took a piece of toast, "and I love you too," they looked at the toast, "five star restaurant quality right here." 

Gray rolled his eyes, but hugged Y/N anyway. 

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