You Have a Fiancé? (Jellal x Reader)

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Ideas/Requested by: MiraculousFairy 

"What happened?" Meredy asked Jellal as he walked back into the room they were staying in. By the glum look on his face, things didn't go well. 

At first he didn't say anything and sat in the corner in an old wooden chair. Ultear gave him some space and continued with what she was doing. Meredy gave you a concerned look and went to ask him again but you stopped her. 

A deafening silence swept the room. Meredy tried to distract herself with something else in the meantime. 

"I told her I had a fiancé," he said at last. 

"You said what?" Ultear nearly shouted, whipping her head around, her hair flailing around her shoulders.

"And she wants to meet my fiancé," he continued. 

"How are you going to sort this one out?" Ultear asked. 

Jellal sighed, "I have to find a fake fiancéfor a day."

Ultear and Meredy's eyes turned to you, making you turn red under their stare. 

"Why'd you go and look at me?!" You shouted. 

Ultear shrugged while Meredy said nothing. You huffed at their little response to your question. You felt another stare on you. Jellal looked at you with hope in his eyes. 

You sighed, "fine. I'll do it." You turned to Meredy and Ultear with a hard glare, "I won't forgive you for this." 

A few days later you had to go and meet Erza, posing at Jellal's fake fiancé. Things were awkward between the two of you, you had no idea what to say and you were pretty sure that Jellal had no idea either. It never used to be awkward between you two, you regarded him as one of your closest friends that you would do anything for. The line ended here. 

Erza was stunning, you had to admit, you felt a dip in your self confidence when you saw her walking up to you. Jellal, who was holding your hand, gave it a squeeze of reassurance. You managed a shaky smile. 

Erza had arranged to meet at a local café which was fine by you - maybe it would take some of the awkwardness away. Jellal had already found a table to sit at and you were just waiting for Erza to arrive. 

She sat opposite the two of you, giving you a smile as she slid into her seat. 

"Erza, this is Y/N," Jellal said.

"Y/N?" Erza said, "that's a wonderful name. I'm wondering why Jellal hasn't introduced you to me sooner." 

Jellal shifted uncomfortably under her gaze so you stepped in, "oh, it was only recently that we got engaged." 

"Is that so? When's the wedding?" She asked. 

"Wedding?" Jellal quietly asked. It was more like a squeak of surprise but he seemed to cover it up quite well. 

"We haven't decided on a date yet," you stepped in once again. Jellal relaxed next to you. 

Erza nodded. She lifted an eyebrow as she studied the two of you, "I'm surprised actually. You're holding hands and yet, Y/N has no ring. And aren't couples, especially couples who are meant to get married, meant to kiss more? Show a bit of affection towards each other?" 

She was onto you. And you knew it. 

She was far too clever to fall for the trick that Jellal was playing. She moved her hands in a gesture to prompt you to kiss. 

Jellal tensed up and you could feel it but he leaned in anyway, placing his lips on yours. 

Awkward was the only word that could come to your head. Friends weren't meant to kiss like that - on the cheeks yes, but on the lips? Something about it felt wrong, oh so wrong, he was your best friend, you shouldn't do this, and you were sure that he felt the same way. But then at the same time, it was amazing, you seemed to melt into each other's touch. 

As you were about to leave, Erza pulled Jellal aside and whispered something in his ear. You saw him blush slightly and he walked away from her and over to you. He grabbed your hand and started to walk with you down the street. 

"Jellal," you said, "we don't have to do this anymore." 

"But what if I want to hold your hand?"

Fairy Tail x Reader OneshotsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin