Adopted (Erza x Child!Reader)

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Ideas/Requested by: SkyDragonHeaven

--I've got some good stuff lined up for the Christmas holidays--

"Erza! What is that?!" Makarov screamed as Erza walked into the guild, stopping her in her tracks. 

She looked down at the child that she was carrying and just shrugged as an answer to the master, "Y/N." 

"You brought a child back with you?" He asked, hopping down off the bar counter. 

The commotion had caused people to look their way but none of them dared to get involved. Except from a certain pink haired mage. He tip-toed over to Erza and sniffed around the child, poking it softly in it's cheeks, earning a giggle. 

Erza glared at Natsu, who yelped and stepped back. 

She then faced the master again, "yes I did. They were vulnerable and alone on the streets, I only did what was right." 

"But how will you care for them?" He asked. Makarov had no problem with children but this one was very young. 

"If I can take care of Natsu and Gray, I think I can take care of a child," she said quickly, glancing behind her shoulder to see Natsu pulling silly faces to the child in her arms. 

He stopped instantly, gave a small wave and dashed off back to Lucy who was trying not to laugh at him. 

Makarov sighed, he knew that Erza was right. He had no doubts that she could do it, he just didn't want to see a cranky Erza who didn't get enough sleep because of the child. But then again, she had friends and everyone was willing to help. 

"What was their name again?" He asked, smiling up at Erza. 

"Y/N," the child giggled happily. 

Erza smiled at this and held them tighter. Every child deserved happiness and she would do everything that she could to give Y/N something that she never had.  

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