Wet Concrete (Modern AU) (Natsu x Reader)

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"Oh come on Y/N, it won't hurt if we sign it," Natsu smirked.

Was it a good idea? It would be nice to come back after a few years and it still there. You grinned back at Natsu, "sure, I'll sign it."

The area that you were standing in was quiet, no workers were about anywhere. The workers who had left had left a patch of wet concrete open to everyone. You and Natsu just happened to stumble upon it.

Natsu bent down to the ground and lent over the concrete. He stuck out his index finger and wrote his initials into the concrete. He wiped the residue of concrete on his finger on his jeans. You followed suit, bending down and putting your initials into the already setting concrete. As well as your initials, you also added a tiny heart - you wanted to stay with your boyfriend forever. You pulled out a tissue and wiped the concrete off that way.

He eyed the heart in the concrete and then looked back up at you. Heat quickly rose to your cheeks and you looked away.

Natsu let out a small chuckle, "I had the same idea, Y/N. But I would have drawn mine bigger."

At the sighting of a worker, Natsu suddenly grabbed your hand and ran.

You both began to slow as you realised that you weren't going to get caught. You began to laugh as you came to a halt. Natsu laughed along with you before pulling you close to give you a kiss.

"Now, we can't break up, that piece of concrete says so," he mumbled.

"I wasn't planning on breaking up," you replied. 

Despite the warm summer's day, the cooling breeze and the bright flowers that accompanied you on the side of the streets, you just could not lift your spirits. You were walking slowly but almost came to a halt as you passed that special slab of concrete. Engraved in it was still your initials and the heart. It had dulled over time, but that was expected.

You let out a small, melancholy smile as your eyes ran over it. Clutching the flowers tighter, you continued to walk.

You were old now, at least sixty years had passed since that day where you wrote in the concrete. It was a cherished memory, one that always passed your mind as you passed the same spot.

Your relationship with Natsu didn't crumble, in fact, it became stronger, resulting in your marriage.

As time had passed however, his health had started to decline, landing him in hospital. The hospital was your destination. Everyday, you would make the walk to go visit him, change the flowers at his bedside and just sit and talk with him.

It was whenever you visited that Natsu was at his happiest. 

You greeted the same nurses that you always saw as you started to climb the stairs to your husband's floor. They usually smiled back and said 'hello', but today, they were different.

You ran into your husband's doctor as you made it to his floor.

"Good morning, Doctor," you greeted.

"Oh, Mx Dragneel. Did you receive any phone call this morning?" He asked, a grim look passing his face.

You shook your head, "no, Doctor. I leave early so I can get here in the afternoon," you replied.

The doctor placed a hand on your shoulder and led you to a nearby bench. He sat next to you as he started to explain.

"Something...happened in the night," he started, "it was completely unexpected, we did our best, but I'm afraid..."

Your face fell as you understood what he was saying. "Your afraid he didn't make it..." you whispered.

The doctor nodded, "we tried to reach you this morning, but..."

"I feel better that you told me in person," you said, giving him a weak smile. "Can I go see him?"

You sat next to Natsu at your usual spot. You replaced the flowers and gave his cold forehead a kiss. Clutching his freezing hands in yours, you began to reminisce about the past. It was the usual routine that you did, this time you talked about your favourite memory. Not your wedding day, not the day he proposed, but the memory about the concrete. You twiddled with his wedding ring as you talked.

You had lost track of time until the doctor had to escort you out.

Tears pricked your eyes as you left. It was his time and you had a great life together. You would have to say goodbye at his funeral, a proper goodbye. 

Fairy Tail x Reader OneshotsOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara