New Rings (Gajeel x Fiance!Reader)

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Ideas/Requested by: TurtleLover618 


No no no.

This wasn't happening. 

Your ring had broken. 

And then you had lost it while trying to fix it. 

You had no idea how Gajeel would react. He had put so much thought into getting it for you and then you had lost it. Even after days away on jobs, it stayed on and it was fine - why now of all times? 

He would be home soon, coming home from a job with Pantherlily. You were still panicking, if you could find the broken ring, maybe you could explain but right now, you had nothing to go on. 

"Y/N! You home?" You heard Gajeel's deep voice ringing through the house as the door closed behind him. You heard Pantherlily say something but you couldn't make it out. 

You stuck your head under a counter to see if it had rolled under there. Nothing. Pulling your head out you shouted, "yeah! I'm home!" 

Bags were being dropped on the floor as you heard Gajeel's big footsteps draw closer to you. Your heart started racing, you couldn't face him. What would he say? What would he do? 

"Y/N?" He asked behind you and confused at your actions. 

You grinned up at him and he helped you off the floor. His hands held yours and for a second you saw nothing wrong of it. And then you remembered, whipping your hands away in the process. 

Gajeel furrowed his eyebrows and narrowed his eyes at you, "Y/N, are you okay?" 

You nodded furiously at his question. He cocks his head to one side and takes your hands again. You let him this time, he would get too suspicious otherwise. 

"Am I not allowed to hold hands with my fiance?" He asked, rubbing his thumb over your skin, leaning closer to place his forehead on yours. 

"Of course you are...but," you said. 

"But what?" He asked rather suddenly, pulling away and cutting you up. 

You sighed, "I lost the trying to fix it." 

His face went still and expressionless as he processed what you just said. Then he takes his hands away from yours. Fearing the worst, you hang your head in shame - how could you let something like this happen? 

He puts his own hands together and then opens them a few seconds later. There, in his hands is a new ring. It's different than your old one but it still has that special shine to it. It might not be as expensive as the last one - but it clearly has more thought and effort put into it seeing as he made it himself. 

"I'll try and find the old one," he said, "and then I can fix it." 

You smile down at the new ring on your finger and then up at him. 

Placing a quick kiss on his cheek, you mumbled, "thanks. I love you."

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