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Allison: 15
Dean: 24
Sam: 21

"Okay, Al. Remember, it's not really Dean," Sam says sternly as they walk down the stairs of Bobby's basement on the way to the safe room.
"I know, Sam. I've exorcised multiple demons before," Allison says.
"Not like this. Not this big of a demon...Not in Dean," Bobby says and looks at her like she's a foolish child. Bobby walks into the room and closes the door behind him.
"I'm not an idiot," she says to Sam.
"Hey, I know...it's just that this is just gonna be rough, that's all," Sam says with a comforting smile as they enter the room.
Dean is tied to a chair under a devils trap with his head hanging, unconscious. Bobby stands on one side of the room, setting up things they'll need for the exorcism when suddenly Dean's head snaps up.
"Oh, he-eello," the demon says in a happy tone. "Sammy? You gonna let me out of this jail? I swear it's me!" The demon hams it up, upsetting Sam and Allison.
"This'll be over soon, Dean. Don't worry," Sam says as he starts to help Bobby set up. Allison now stands alone by the doorway and makes hesitant eye contact with her eldest brother.
"Aw. Hi!" The demon says cheerfully and winks. Allison clenches her jaw as the demon looks her up and down. "I've been waiting to meet the little Winchester! Mm mm mmm!" The demon smirks at the young blonde. Allison scoffs and turns away to gather supplies.
It's not really Dean.
Allison bends over to pick up a flask that had fallen on the floor.
"Hmm," the demon cocks his head and smiles at the girl's butt. Bobby and Sam look at him and glare. "What? I'm just enjoying the view!" The demon grins.
"That's enough!" Bobby says as he sprays the monster with holy water. The demon barely reacts and then laughs at Bobby. Bobby is taken aback by the demon's strength and looks to a bewildered Sam.
"I'll be back. I-I need to grab something. He's more powerful than I thought," Bobby says.
"Wait! Bobby!" Sam says as Bobby scurries upstairs.
"Uh oh!" Dean smirks. Suddenly a crash is heard from upstairs.
"Bobby?!" Sam and Allison both yell but there's no response.
"I'm going to check," Sam says as he grabs holy water and a gun.
"Sam, no!" Allison pleads.
"You'll be fine! Just watch him!" Sam says as he leaves the room.
"This doesn't feel right—" Allison says as Sam disappears upstairs. "Dean, I really wish you were here...this demon is a big deal," Allison says to the demon, trying to break through to Dean. For a moment, Allison sees Dean's desperate eyes clawing at the surface, but then they're gone.
"You bet your ass I am!" The demon yells as the floor and ceiling crack, releasing him from the devils trap.
"Oh, God!" Allison stumbles backwards.
"No, He can't help you," the demon says as he releases himself.
"SAM!" Allison screams as she is thrown against the wall.
"What?! What? Bobby fell off of a chair grabbing a book off of—" Sam is suddenly pinned up against the wall, writhing in pain. Dean strides over to Allison who is lying in a pathetic heap on the floor.
"Dean, stop," she whispers, tears brimming in her big, green eyes. The demon kneels down to her and smiles.
"Oh, trust me, he's trying." The demon picks her up by the shoulders and grins at her. "I can't imagine what he'll try once I start slicing into you. I'll make him and lil Sammy watch." The demon laughs and squeezes Allison's cheeks together with a spiteful grip. "Sound good, Sammy-boy?"
"Stop!" Sam chokes out.
"Fidello cramizus bontijo—" Bobby shouts from the doorway.
"NO!" The demon immediately leaves Dean's body, causing Dean to go crashing to the floor. Sam falls to the ground and Allison relaxes once Dean lets her go.
"What the hell was that, Bobby?" Sam asks after a long pause.
"The start of a spell that sends 'em so deep into hell, they'll taste Lucifer's hairy armpit. He left before it got to him," Bobby says, closing the book.
"You okay, Ally?" Bobby and Sam rush over to Allison, who sits up and rubs her neck.
"Yeah. Is Dean?" she groans.
"Allison? Sam?" Dean's deep voice inquires.
"Dean!" Everyone runs to his side.
"I'm so sorry. That was awful," Dean wraps his arms around Allison and looks to Bobby and Sam. "Thank you, Bobby. Are you okay, Al?" Dean asks, turning his attention back towards Allison, brushing a tear from her face.
"Yeah. That was just really...close and scary. It would've been you...killing me and Sam couldn't do anything. Wow. That was..." Allison sighs shakily, holding back tears.
"I'll never hurt you, Al. None of us will," Dean reassures, rubbing her back.
"Promise?" Allison asks with a small smile.
"Yes, m'am," the men say in unison, looking both exhausted and relieved, but mainly happy that everything is back to normal.

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