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Allison: 21
Dean: 30
Sam: 27

"Hey...when are we gonna be done?" Allison asks, looking up from her book.
"When we know what monster we're dealing with," Sam responds, not looking away from his computer.
"We've been at it for hours and I'm pretty sure Dean is sleeping," Allison says. Sam finally looks up at his siblings and hits Dean upside the head.
"What?" Dean moans.
"We're working a case, you guys. Try to take it seriously," Sam scolds as Dean and Allison snicker.
"Hello!" A familiar voice calls out. They all jump up and point their guns at Gabriel.
"Woah, woah, woah, guys! I'm just sayin' hi!" He says and they put down their guns.
"Why?" Dean asks.
"Hm?" Gabriel happily skips over to Dean.
"Why are you here...saying hi?" Dean asks as wings flutter yet again.
"Hello," Castiel says, right behind Dean.
"What the hell?" Dean yells.
"No, no. We're from heaven," Gabriel says.
"Are we hosting some sort of angel party?" Allison asks.
"Sure, sweet cheeks! I'm always up for a party. I dunno about this other guy though," Gabriel says and grins at her as he points a thumb towards Castiel.
"I have been busy in heaven but I thought I should check in on you guys," Castiel says and looks to Dean, offering him a small smile.
"Alright. I guess we'll take a break now. How about some food?" Sam asks, sighing and closing his computer.
"Yeah, I can get it. Where's your wallet?" Allison asks.
"It's by my computer," Sam says as he grabs a beer from the fridge. Allison opens up his wallet and laughs out loud.
"Oh, my God! What is this?!" Allison squeals and Sam's head shoots up. Dean runs over and grins.
"The State ID picture!" Dean calls out and Gabriel appears from behind.
"Hah! Lil Sammy!" Gabriel teases.
"Stop it!" Sam grabs it out of Allison's hands.
"Why were you so small? And your hair! Oh, my God! Who cut it? Dad?" Allison cries.
"Yeah, actually! He did!" Sam retorts, pink spreading across his face. Suddenly, an idea forms in his head. "Laugh it up you guys. Do you wanna see a real bad picture?" Sam grins at Allison.
"No, Sam! No!" Allison chases after him down the bunker's hallway.
"Yes!" Dean yells, grabbing Allison before she can catch Sam.
"Oh! Do I get to see Ally when she was a little one?" Gabriel asks excitedly.
"Little?" Dean taunts.
"Shut up!" Allison yells as her face turns pink.
"I got it! Take a peek." Sam smirks.
"Dear God! Did she eat the real Allison?" Gabriel asks. The guys all laugh but Castiel cocks his head.
"What is so funny?" Castiel asks.
"Allison used to be a little on the...hefty side," Sam says, wiping a tear away. Castiel looks at the picture and smiles.
"This is humorous. You used to be so round—like a ball," Castiel remarks and they laugh.
"Shut up! It's not that bad! I was 11 years old—it's normal to have baby fat," Allison justifies as her face gets more red.
"Aw, she's getting red!" Sam points at her face and grins. Dean hugs her tighter and then starts to tickle her.
"I wasn't—" Allison bursts out laughing as Dean tickles her and Sam soon joins in.
"Pillsbury Dough Girl!" Dean tantalizes as they continue to tickle her. Allison gets away from her brothers and catches her breath next to Gabriel.
"...they used to call me that...assholes," Allison explains as the brothers laugh.
"I can't believe that you used to be fat," Gabriel says looking her up and down. She turns around and gives him a look. "Good thing you grew out of it...or into it," he says with a smile. Dean glares at the angel and Sam clears his throat uncomfortably.
"I believe that's my cue. Always a pleasure." With that, Gabriel leaves just as quickly as he arrived.
"So, dinner?" Allison breaks the silence.
"Yeah, yeah," Sam says. Dean takes the picture from Castiel and smiles as they start to head out.
"Burgers?" Dean asks. Everyone nods and Allison grins happily. "You know, you still have your chubby cheeks, Al," he says with a chuckle and a patronizing cheek pinch.
"Uh huh," Allison says with a smile and a shake of her head.

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