Witches Are Bitches

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Allison: 17
Dean: 26
Sam: 23

"So, the guy cuts his...doodle off? And then slits his wrists?" Dean hesitantly asks as he shovels his breakfast into his mouth.
"Yeah, for no reason. Real normal guy apparently," Sam says, looking at his computer.
"Sounds like a witch," Allison says as she steals a piece of bacon from Dean's plate.
"I think so," Sam agrees.
"Well, let's get a move on," Dean says as he places a twenty dollar bill on the table and ushers his siblings out of the cheap diner.


"M'am, did your husband happen to have any enemies?" Sam asks as Dean and Allison scope out the couple's home.
"Plenty—he was a corporate lawyer," the woman says, biting her nails.
"Any specific people come to mind? Maybe an Ex Girlfriend or...?" Sam asks.
"Um...no, not really. But why does it matter? It was a suicide," she says.
"I'm all done here, Mrs. Anderson," a young woman, about Allison's age, says as she leaves.
"Thank you, Emily!" Mrs. Anderson sadly calls out.
"Who was that?" Sam asks.
"Our maid, Emily. Sweet girl. Comes from a program with the local Catholic girls school," Mrs. Anderson says. Across the room, Dean holds up a hex bag for Sam and Allison to see.
"Alright, Mrs. Anderson. We'll leave you be. Try to find some peace," Sam says with a sincere smile.
"Again, we're very sorry for your loss," Allison says.
"So, what do we think?" Dean asks as they swiftly leave out the front door of the house.
"Witch, obviously. But who?" Sam asks.
"The maid?" Allison asks.
"Worth a try," Dean says as they get into the Impala.
"I can handle this. She's my age, maybe I can befriend her," Allison suggests.
"Befriend a witch? Hell no," Dean says, turning around to look at his sister.
"Just a thought," Allison says with a sharp look to her brother.
"We'll all go to the school and talk to Emily," Sam says definitively and Dean nods, starting to drive down the road.


They ring the doorbell of the large house, with a sign out front that reads: St. Barbara's School for Girls. A small, old woman with wire framed glasses opens the door and looks at the Winchesters confusedly.
"Hello, m'am. We're with the FBI. Could we talk to one of your girls?" Sam asks.
"Sure, yes! Come in," the woman says, leading the Winchesters into the kitchen. "Who are you looking to talk to?"
"Emily Adams," Allison says.
"Oh, wow. Emily is such a sweet girl. What could she be needed for with the FBI?" The woman asks.
"We just need to talk to her about a local incident," Allison says.
"Oh, you must be talking about poor Jerry Anderson. Sad thing really," the woman says with a frown. "You seem quite young for this job, girl," the woman adds hastily, looking Allison up and down.
"An intern. Top of her class," Dean says. "And what did you say your name was, m'am?"
"Margaret Pinewood," the woman says.
"Where is Emily, Ms. Pinewood?" Sam asks.
"Oh! Emily is upstairs! You can talk to her, sir," Ms. Pinewood says.
"I'll head upstairs then," Sam says with a nod and leaves the kitchen.
"Ms. Pinewood, we also need to talk to you about Emily," Dean says sternly.
"Oh, alrighty. What do you need to know?"


Sam knocks on a door that reads 'Emily' in big pink letters.
"Emily? Hi, I'm Agent Plant. Can I talk to you for a second?" Sam asks, opening the door just a crack. Emily is laying on her bed, reading a thick, leather bound book.
"Huh? Oh, sure. Is this about Mr. Anderson?" She asks with a look of worry on her face.
"Yes. How come you ask?" Sam says, sitting on the end of her bed. Emily looks sadly at the agent.
"He was murdered," Emily whispers.
"How do you know that?" Sam asks.
"He was cheating on his wife. I knew he was doing it and I told. Then he died," Emily says as a few tears stream down her face.
"Hey. It's not your fault," Sam reassures the young girl. "I just need to know what happened."
"You won't believe me. It's crazy and I'll get in trouble," she says.
"Witchcraft?" Sam asks quietly.
"Yes. How did you know?" Emily asks with a scared look.
"I deal with this sort of thing all the time," Sam says.
"I've been learning all about it since I was 10 years old. Staring about four months ago, we started doing something new: 'God's work'." She hands Sam the book she was reading. He looks through and sees tons of dark magic spells. He grimaces but tries his best not to scare Emily.
"God's work?" He inquires.
"Punishing the sinners. Ms. Pinewood, she tells us that these people deserve it and that it's right. We tell her whenever any people in town sin, then she takes care of them. I know it's wrong, but they're also doing wrong. I really shouldn't be telling you any of this, but I just can't help but feel a little guilty," Emily laments.
"Thank you, Emily. You're doing the right thing," Sam gives her a warm, reassuring smile as he contemplates what to do next.

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