Save the Children Part 2

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Allison awakens to the horrible sound of children crying around her. The room is dark but she looks to her right and sees that a girl of about five years old is the main source of the sobs.
"Hey, sweetheart. What's wrong?" Allison asks warmly.
"It killed Stacy!" The little Asian girl cries.
"W-what duh-d-did?" Finn asks groggily.
"The monster." She continues to sob as Allison looks around. Her eyes have now adjusted to the darkness and she realizes that she, Finn and 3 other kids are locked in a large cage. The small, crying Asian girl, a scrawny 10 year old African American boy, and a caramel skinned boy with dark hair about Allison and Finn's age.
"The missing kids..." Allison says, looking to Finn and he nods worriedly.
"Wuh-where is m-muh-my suh-sister, Kara?" Finn struggles to get the words out; it seems like he already knows the answer to his question.
" dead. He took her last night," the youngest boy says solemnly. Allison looks to a crestfallen Finn and hugs him.
"I am so sorry, Finn," Allison says.
"I ah-already knew," he says with a tear gliding down his face. Allison grabs his hand and squeezes it tenderly.
"He'll like you," the boy their age says from behind the two other teenagers.
"What?" Allison asks, turning to him.
     "He always likes the girls—especially the pretty ones with some meat on their bones." The boy looks her up and down.
     "Qu-quit it," Finn says, wiping his tears away.
     "Talk much?" He jokes and laughs. "It's true. We're the leftovers. Too scrawny and gamey for food," the snarky teenager says, gesturing to the younger children, making them start to cry.
     "You however," he smirks at Allison's hourglass figure, "definitely ripe for the picking!" The boy snarls and lurches at Allison jokingly. Allison doesn't flinch; she only clenches her jaw as her face flushes with anger.
     "Sh-shut the hell up!" Finn says.
     "Ooh! The stuttering freak is protecting his pretty little princess—that just so happens to be wayyy out of his league! It's honestly pretty sad, man..."
     "I muh-might not t-talk right bu-but I can put you on the guh-ground real qu-quick!" Finn yells, coming at him.
     "Finn, stop!" Allison yells. He breathes heavily and glares at the other boy as Allison holds him back.
     "Allison, he c-can't t-tr-treat yuh-you like that! It's juh-just sick and he's—"
     "Stop," Allison says, distracted.
     "Stop. Listen." Allison looks up towards the ceiling; footsteps are heard from above. The little Asian girl starts to cry again.
     "He's coming..." the youngest boy says.
     "Dinner time," the rude teenager says, looking at Finn, suddenly losing his "comedic" defense mechanism. The monster bounds down the stairs and smiles at his prey.
"A rawhead," Allison whispers to no one in particular.
"What?" Finn whispers wildly.
"Patchy hair, leathery skin, feeds on children. Can be killed by electrocution and decapitation," Allison says as if she were reading from a book.
"Oh." Finn says quietly.
"Which one of you is next?" The creature gurgles and the little ones start to cry. "Oh, shut up!" He bangs his large hands on the cage and they all jump. The rawhead examines each of the children and wipes away the drool that gathers at the corners of his mouth.
"I think I'll have you!" He smiles at Allison and licks his dry, cracked lips.
"Told you," the teenager says, backing away from the opening of the cage. Allison whips her head around and looks at the boy, wide-eyed. While his comment was cruelly immature, his eyes say that he's terribly frightened and maybe even feeling a little sorry for her. The monster opens the cage door and enters.
     "Don't tuh-touch her!" Heroically, Finn jumps out in front of Allison but the monster doesn't bat an eye.
     "Fine." The creature rips into Finn's chest and Allison cries out in horror. Finn utters a terrible scream as the rawhead's sharp claws turn his torso into red, shiny ribbons on which the monster begins to feast. Allison stands completely still, a foot away from the monster that's killing friend.
     "Please," Finn says with desperate eyes as he starts to choke on the blood spilling out of his mouth.
     "Oh, my God...oh, my God...oh, my God," the youngest boy murmurs as he rocks back and forth.
"Help! Help us!" The little girl cries out. The monster looks up and slices her cheek with his claw. The kids scream and the teenage boy pulls the little girl and Allison back, away from the monster.
"I need to eat in peace!" He growls and drags Finn's lifeless body out of the cage. Allison starts to hyperventilate and the mean teenage boy awkwardly rubs her back as the monster slams the cage door shut.
"I'm...I'm sorry," he says quietly. "I'm the way." She looks at him and a single tear runs down her face.
"He didn't deserve to die," Allison whispers.
"Neither did Stacy, his sister or the kid before them," he says.
"We need to leave now," Allison says, grabbing the bars of the small jail cell and brushing away her tears angrily.
"He closed the door," Tanner says sarcastically.
"Next time, he'll come for me. I'll jump him, you take the kids, run out, and keep running. If he goes after you—electricity is his weakness," Allison says firmly.
"He'll rip you to shreds!" The little boy says.
"Can you do this?" Allison asks Tanner grimly.

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