Red Meat

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This is a request from @AbbeyRae04 based on Season 11 Episode 17 :)
I'm sorry for the slow updates lately, but I hope you enjoy!

Allison: 25
Dean: 34
Sam: 31

"I think we've got a case." Sam says, looking at a newspaper and then to his siblings across the bunker's dining room table.
"Oh, yeah?" Allison inquires, taking a bite of her fried eggs.
"Yeah. Some bodies turned up in Wallowa-Whitman National Forest in Grangeville, Idaho and there are others that are still missing." Sam says and looks to Dean.
"Give it to someone else. Call up Garth." Dean says, sipping his black coffee.
"I think this would be good. You know, we can clear our heads of all this Darkness crap." Allison says with a mouthful.
"I agree." Sam says and smiles at Allison.
"This might not even be our kind of case, guys. Sounds like some people are missing, that's it." Dean grumbles and Allison sighs.
"The bodies that turned up were missing their hearts, Dean." Sam reads.
"Well, you didn't say that, Sam." Dean takes the newspaper from Sam and looks it over. "I still think someone else can handle this." Dean says after a pause.
"Let's go check it out." Sam says. "I think it'll be good for us."


"Those are the cabins the lady at the bar was talking about. Turn right, Dean." Allison says pointing to the small, worn down cabins. "Turn off the headlights, so they don't see us coming."
"They can probably already smell us." Dean says as they get out of the Impala. They approach the only cabin that has its lights on. Allison enters first and spots the two missing people, alive, but chained up in the corner of the living room.
"Hey! It's okay. We're here to save you." Allison says.
"Oh, thank you! Thank you!" The young man says, looking to his unconscious wife.
"Allison!" Sam yells and Allison whips around to find herself face to face with a werewolf. She pushes the monster against the wall but he puts up a fight. Two other werewolves show themselves and start to fight Sam and Dean. Allison finally takes the werewolf to the ground and stabs it with her silver knife. She slowly stands up, recovering from the fight and as Dean prepares to kill his opponent, the werewolf picks up a gun and shoots at Allison. The bullet pierces her abdomen and she lets out a scream as she falls to the ground.
"No!" Dean yells and runs to his sister. Sam looks up in shock and quickly kills the remaining werewolf.
"What happened?" Sam runs over to his siblings hurriedly.
"The bastard shot me." Allison groans.
"Hey, help us out here?" The man says worriedly. "Michelle isn't looking so good."
"Dean, help them. That's why we're here." Allison says and he sighs. Dean unchains them as Sam starts to treat his sister.
"This is gonna hurt like hell." Sam says and sterilizes a pair of tweezers from a first aid kit. He grabs the bullet out of her wound with the tweezers, causing Allison to scream.
"Keep her quiet before the others come back." The man worries.
"Corbin—" Michelle says.
"We're getting outta here, baby. Don't worry." Corbin says. Dean goes to Allison and holds her hand.
"Hey, kid. You're okay." Dean says with a sad smile and Allison laughs.
"Apply pressure." Sam says, handing her a bandage. Allison exhales deeply and closes her eyes for a moment. Sam sadly looks to Dean like a lost puppy.
"It's okay, Sammy. Everything is okay." Dean says, not really believing it, but trying to be a good big brother. The brothers help Allison to her feet and Dean looks at Corbin. "You said there are more?" Dean asks.
"Yes." Corbin says, trying to keep his wife awake.
"Then let's get a move on."


"Dean, I need a break." Allison pants and sits down on a log. The group is now deep in the woods, far from the cabin, hoping to reach the Impala soon.
"We can't keep stopping like this." Corbin says and Dean glares at him.
"Look man, we're saving your ass so—"
"He's right, Dean. I can carry Allison on my back." Sam says. "Come on, Ally." Sam kneels down, allowing her on his back. Sam stands up and Dean leads the way.

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