Sweet Tooth

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This is a collection of Allison's favorite food related memories.

4 years old
Dean, John and Sam

"Sammy, she still asleep back there?" John asks, smiling at his little girl in the rear view mirror.
"Yep. Should I wake her up?" Sam asks.
"Yeah, we're almost to Kentucky." John says.
"Lunch?" Dean asks groggily and John nods.
"Hey, Al. It's time to wake up." Sam pokes her side and she slowly opens her eyes. Allison glares at Sam and tries to go back to sleep. "Dad, she just gave me the dirtiest look!" Sam laughs.
"Ally, sweetheart. It's lunchtime." John says as he pulls into the parking lot of a diner.
"It's nap time." She says quietly.
"Are you telling me you don't want pie?" John says with a smile and tickles her foot. Allison giggles and rubs her eyes sleepily.
"Oh boy, I love pie!" She grins, kicking her feet excitedly. They all get out of the car and Dean picks her up and puts her on his hip as they walk inside the diner. "I'm gonna get cherry!" Allison giggles and Dean pokes her tummy.
"What if they have apple or blueberry?" He asks.
"No way. Cherry pie is the best!" Allison yells as they sit down at a booth.
"Girl knows what she's talkin' about." The waitress smiles at the adorable blonde little girl.
"I must've raised her right." John says and kisses her head.

Ice cream
8 years old

"Bobby!" Allison cries from his front lawn. Bobby stops cleaning the dishes from breakfast and runs out the front door.
"What's wrong, sugar?" Bobby asks as he runs over to her.
"I-I fell o-off my bike." She sobs and Bobby looks at her scraped knee and elbows.
"Aw, that's not too bad. I can fix it." Bobby helps her up off the ground and leads her inside. He cleans the wounds and puts on some bandaids. "All better."
"It still hurts." Allison pouts.
"Well, I'm not magic, honey. But...I do have some ice cream." Bobby smiles as the little girl's face lights up. He opens the freezer and pulls out strawberry ice cream, Allison's favorite. He then scoops a hearty amount into a bowl and hands her a spoon. "There you go, kid."
"Thanks, Uncle Bobby!" She says and reaches for the bowl.
"But, you only get it if after you're done, you go back out there and try again."
"Okay." She says and kisses his prickly cheek. "Atta girl!" He pats her head as she starts to chow down on one of her favorite treats.

12 years old

"Ooh!" Allison exclaims and presses her face against the candy store window.
"Guys, you're slowing me down." Dean scolds.
"Ally, come on." Sam says, pulling her away from the window.
"I've never even had taffy." Allison whines.
"Boo-hoo." Dean says. "I hope Dad didn't leave without us." They turn the street corner and don't see the Impala. Dean pulls out his phone and sees a text from their father saying:

Went on the hunt. Pick you guys up around 10pm downtown. Don't be late...again.

"Dammit!" Dean yells and kicks a trash can.
"Dean, it's fine. Now we have more time to shop for Christmas and stuff." Sam shrugs.
"He's gonna rip me a new one. He needed back up." Dean says.
"If he really needed back up he wouldn't have left." Allison says.
"Shut the hell up, Ally." Dean scoffs and she looks to her feet.
"Dean—" Sam starts.
"Maybe he left early because you'd just slow him down, like you always do." Dean says and Allison turns away from him. "Ally, wait, I'm sorry." Dean sighs as she starts to run down the block.
"Really, Dean?" Sam scoffs and starts after his sister. Dean sits down on the ground and puts his head in his hands. When she can't run anymore, Allison sits down on a bench and starts to cry. A little later, she feels someone sit down next to her but she doesn't even bother looking; she knows it's Sam.
"Hey, it's okay." Sam rubs her back. "Dean is just really stupid sometimes." Allison laughs a little and looks up. She finds Sam offering her a small bag of saltwater taffy from the candy store down the block. Allison wipes her eyes and smiles.
"Thanks, Sammy." She says and pops a piece in her mouth.
"Is it any good?" He asks and she nods happily. "Let's go, Al." Sam says and helps her up. He puts his arm around her as they walk back towards Dean.

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