Not a Little Girl Anymore

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     Hello! For this chapter, there is some Russian dialogue and you are meant to be just as confused as Allison while you are reading (unless you understand Russian haha). If you prefer, you can always use Google Translate for that part of the chapter.


Allison: 26
Dean: 35
Sam: 32

It's a rainy Saturday morning in Lebanon as the Winchesters slowly begin their days. Sam gets in the shower, Dean starts to fry up some bacon in the kitchen, and Allison sits in her favorite chair in the living room, still in her pajamas. Allison has always liked the rain and one of the only downsides to living in the bunker is that she can barely hear the rain pattering on the roof whenever it storms.
"Make sure you make it extra crispy!" Allison calls out to Dean and he chuckles.
"I'll burn it to a crisp, sweetheart," Dean says and Allison smiles, pulling out her cellphone to see a text message from Arthur Ketch.
"Come to the door," Allison reads the text aloud confusedly. Admittedly, she's always a little excited by his text messages. She hadn't heard from Arthur in a few days, hell, she hasn't even laid eyes on him in weeks.
While Allison had initially dismissed Arthur Ketch as an ass, she has grown quite fond of him in the past month—and the feeling is definitely mutual. It's only a small fling and Allison has convinced herself that she'll cut it off before her brothers even come close to finding out.
"Is someone at the door?" Dean asks as he walks into the living room, wiping his hands on his pajama bottoms.
"Uh, yeah, maybe. Why do you think so?" Allison says, blushing a bit. Dean looks at his sister and laughs.
"The sensor is going off, squirt," Dean says, playfully ruffling her hair and starting to head up the stairs.
Oh, my God. Should I get dressed or put on some makeup? Jesus, I look like shit right now—
"Good morning, Dean. Pleasure to see you." Arthur's voice carries in the big room.
"What do you want?" Dean's gruff voice responds.
Allison then only catches a few grumbles from the men but soon after his arrival, Arthur and Dean gradually head down the stairs.
"Good morning, Allison," Arthur says, smirking at her pajamas.
"What are you doing here?" Allison asks and Arthur chuckles.
"Well, we have somewhat of a case and I need your help," Arthur says as his eyes meet Sam's across the room.
"What's going on?" Sam asks, awkwardly adjusting the bath towel around his waist.
"Now that you Americans have officially joined forces with the British Men of Letters, we need your help convincing some Russian hunters as well." Ketch nods at them.
"Okay, so, what do we have to do?" Sam asks.
"Well, it's not really a we, I suppose, and more of a you." Ketch looks to Allison and her brothers exchange a glance.
"What the hell are you talking about?" Dean asks.
"What he said," Allison says.
"We'd like to show that our team is diverse and not strictly the Men of Letters when presenting ourselves to prospective members. Lady Bevell is currently unavailable and I thought that Allison could step in and—"
"No," Dean says firmly and Allison shoots him a look.
"Thank you, Dean, but I happen to think that it's a good idea," Allison says, an edge in her voice.
"Miss Winchester is a skilled and versatile hunter who is fully equipped with the knowledge to persuade more hunters to join our mission," Ketch says.
"I think we'll have to discuss it," Sam says, trying to remain professional in his bath towel.
"Fine. The meeting is a few towns over at 8 o'clock tonight, so I would need to pick up Miss Winchester around 7 o'clock."
"Don't plan on it—"
"Thanks, Ketch," Allison interrupts Dean and nods towards Ketch, indicating that he should leave. With a curt nod, the British hunter starts up the stairs and exits, leaving the Winchesters to discuss the matter.
"No." Dean turns away from his siblings and runs his hands through his hair.
"Do you guys know how many times I've been left out of hunts or deals or whatever just because I'm 'your baby sister'?" Allison asks.
"A lot," Sam says after a pause.
"Yeah, a whole damn lot. Now, finally I'm needed for something and you won't let me go? Come on, Dean. I'm not a kid." Allison scoffs and Dean sighs. "I want to go, so I'm going and that's final."
Dean turns to rebuttal but before he can get a word in, Allison slams her bedroom door behind her.
"Damn," Sam says and looks to his brother.
"She's not going to that meeting," Dean says firmly and Sam chuckles lightly.
"Miss Winchester says otherwise," Sam says, turning towards his room to finally change into some clothes.
Dean stands alone in the living room, fuming in his pajamas like an angry little kid on Christmas morning.
"'And that's final', my ass," Dean mimics, pacing the floor, thinking of a way to keep his little sister home tonight.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2020 ⏰

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