Blondes Have More Fun

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Allison: 16
Dean: 25
Sam: 22
(Jo: 20)

This story is based off of Season 2 Episode 6, No Exit.

"There is no way in hell you're going!" Ellen's voice booms. As the Winchesters pack up their things to leave the Harvelle's they hear a crash inside the bar.
"Ooh, catfight." Dean jokes. The Winchesters quietly enter the bar.
"That little Winchester hunts all the time and I'm not even a kid anymore. I should be able to do what I want!" Jo says.
"Joanna Beth—" Ellen starts but then looks at the siblings.
"We're heading out." Dean says with a smile.
"Sorry to interrupt." Sam says.
"No trouble at all. Just telling mom about a case that I think—" Jo says but is cut off by a look from Ellen.
"Thanks for letting us stay for a few days. We really appreciate it." Sam says.
"Anything for you Winchesters. Again, sorry to hear about your Daddy." Ellen says. "Any kids of his are friends of mine." She hugs Sam, Dean and then Allison. "Oh, John's little baby. Still can't believe it." Ellen says and pinches Allison's cheek.
"Mom..." Jo stops her.
"Sorry. Can't help myself, you're just too cute. Ya still haven't lost that baby face, sweetheart." Ellen laughs and pats Allison's shoulder. "You boys take care of her...and yourselves."
"We always do." Dean says with a wink. "Take care." Dean puts his arm around Allison and leads the way out, towards the car. When they get outside, Dean leans over and pinches Allison's cheek. "Ya still haven't lost that baby face, sweetheart." He mimics as a joke.
"Shut the hell up." Allison says and the brothers laugh.

2 Days Later

"That was a good burger. Now I need a shower and some sleep." Dean says as they enter their motel room.
"Hey, guys." Jo says.
"Wha—Jo? What the hell are you doing here?" Dean asks.
"I have a case." Jo says and points to the stuff she laid out on one of the beds.
"Does your mom know you're here?" Dean asks.
"She thinks I'm in Vegas. Don't worry, I got Ash to lead a credit card trail all the way to the casinos." Jo says.
"Jo, I don't think—" Sam starts.
"Lemme just show it to you guys and if you still wanna send me home, go ahead." Jo says.
"Fine." Dean says, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Three weeks ago, a young girl disappears from a Philadelphia apartment but I looked into it and this girl wasn't the first. Over the past 80 years 6 girls have vanished, all from the same building, all young blondes." Sam and Dean look to each other with concern. "Only happens every decade or two, so cops never eyeball the pattern." Jo continues. "What do you think?"
"We've went on the road for less." Sam says.
"Yeah, but—" Dean starts, looking at the two young blondes beside him.
"I think that's a yes." Allison says and Jo smiles.
"Good. We should head out now so we can get an early start." Jo says and starts packing up the materials.
"Hold on. Now, this probably is a case but there's no way in hell either of you are working it." Dean says and Sam nods.
"What the hell? I found the case!" Jo says.
"Yeah, do you wanna become the case? I don't know if you noticed but both of you are totally this thing's type." Dean says.
"Exactly. What better way to draw this thing out than bait?" Jo says.
"She has a point." Allison says.
"That's not gonna happen, Ally." Sam says authoritatively.
"Damn straight." Dean says.
"This is ridiculous." Jo scoffs.
"Sorry if I'm not exactly comfortable throwing you two at this case like chum into open waters!" Dean yells.
"Dean, please—" Allison starts.
"Allison, no. I'm not losing you. I'm never going to risk that." Dean gives Allison a firm but sincere look and then turns to Jo. "And your mom would string me up by my toenails on your front porch if I lost you." Dean says.
"At least let us come along and help." Allison says after a pause.
"No, it's—" Dean says.
"We won't go anywhere near the place, promise. Jo worked hard on this case, let her see it through." Allison says.
"Jesu—fine. Let's just go." Dean says as he grabs his stuff. The boys head out to the car and Jo stops Allison.
"Thanks, I guess. Sucks that he can't handle the idea of a girl taking care of herself." Jo says.
"He means well." Allison says.
"I just sucks." Jo sighs.

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