Get Hustled

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Allison: 15
Dean: 24
Sam: 21

     The Impala pulls into the local bar's parking lot. Dean kills the engine and looks back to his sleeping little sister. He smiles and nods at Sam to look. Sam looks up from John's journal and smiles slightly. Allison's face is squished up against the window, mouth open. Her blonde hair falling over her face, occasionally being blown up and down by her breath. Dean leans over and pinches her leg while screaming "Ally!" She jolts awake and breathes heavily.
     "What the hell?" She yells as the boys laugh.
     "Let's go inside., Dean says.
     "But it's a bar," Allison says groggily.
     "We're not leaving you alone this time. It'll be fine," Dean says and exits the car. Allison grins and gets out of the car. They walk inside and the waitress smiles at the boys.
     "Can I help you?" She smirks at Dean and then looks Sam up and down.
     "A table for 3." Dean holds up 3 fingers and the waitress looks around for the third. She spots Allison and squints.
     "You can't bring that kid in here," she says uncomfortably.
     "We didn't kidnap her or anything," Sam says awkwardly and Dean gives him a look.
     "We're just her big brothers trying to get a drink," Dean says and shows his ID.
     "Come this way," She says hesitantly. She leads them to a small wooden table and takes their orders. She gets to Allison and blinks.
     "Sorry, no chicken nuggets. This place is for big kids," She says with faux sweetness. Sam looks at her with slight dismay but Dean gets angry.
     "Let her get a soda or something," Dean says with an edge in his voice. "What do you want, Al?" He says lovingly and the waitress sighs. Allison blushes from the unwanted attention and Sam smiles at that.
     "A Coke," Allison says, annoyed. The waitress writes it down and walks away.
     "Bitch," Dean mutters and Sam sighs. Allison spreads her arms out on the table and plays with the sugar packets. Dean knocks over the tower she was starting to build.
     "Dean!" She whines and he grins. She punches him on the shoulder and he dramatically reacts to the light hit. Sam smiles at them. He then realizes that he missed out on special bonding that the two had. Dean was always Ally's favorite, Sam knew that, but he couldn't help feeling a twinge of jealousy. The waitress sets down their drinks and returns to the bar. Dean takes a swig of his beer. Allison sips her coke and continues playing with the sugar packets.
     "Do we have any leads on Dad?" Sam asks and Dean shakes his head.
     "We only know that he's hunting the demon," Allison says and Sam nods solemnly.
     "The one that killed Jess," Sam says.
     "And mom," Dean says, almost angry. Sam takes a long drink from his beer. A silence falls over the table.
     "What are those guys doing over there?" Allison asks, referring to guys surrounding a table.
     "Probably poker," Sam says and Allison grins. She loves poker and is good at it too.
     "I wanna play," She says and they laugh. "What? Bobby taught me everything he knows!" Allison says.
     "You're not playing poker with a bunch of bikers," Dean says.
     "Watch me." Allison gets up and walks over to them. Dean looks angrily at Sam and Sam smirks with a shrug.
     "Can I play?" Allison says meekly to the men. They laugh at her.
     "Sure, we'll deal you in," A man says jokingly.
     "Seriously. How much to play?" Allison asks, sitting down. They laugh again.
     "We weren't playing for keeps," One guy says.
     "Oh. How about $20?" She suggests. The 4 men smirk at the thought of making an easy few bucks.
     "Sure, doll face," A man says. They play a few rounds of Texas Hold Em' and Allison plays poorly. The men smile at each other. She runs out of chips and frowns. The game eventually finishes.
     "Double or nothin?" Allison suggests.
     "Oh, sweetie. How 'bout you go on home?" The winner laughs. Allison pulls out another $20.
     "I'm still learning," Allison says. The men shrug and pile their money together. Allison starts playing smart. Bluffing on the bad hands and raising on the good ones. It gets down to her and the man that won the last game.
     "You got lucky, girlie. I'm sorry that I gotta put you in your place now," He says. The first three cards are laid down. A 5 and two aces. The man smiles slightly and Allison bites her nails.
     "You scared?" He smirks and throws some chips in. Allison calls and the next card is put down. A king. Allison continues to bite her nails as he puts more chips in. Allison calls again and the final card is laid down. Another 5.
     "I'm all in," Allison says nervously. The man smiles sadly.
     "It was fun while it lasted," He says. He lays his cards down. He has an Ace, which makes a full house. His friends clap. Allison lays down her cards and his jaw drops. Four of a kind 5's.
     "You lied! You said you were still learning!" He yells.
     "I did not lie. I am still learning...learning how easy it is to beat a bunch of idjits in poker." Allison grins and collects the $200. The man stands up and so do his buddies.
     "Give us our money back!" He says.
     "No. I won it fair and square!" Allison says. The man grips her shoulder and yanks her up. Sam notices the commotion and hurries over. Dean, who had become busy flirting with a waitress, looks up. He sees the big, grubby biker manhandling his sister as Sam tries to calmly talk the man down. He storms over.
     "What the hell are you doing?" Dean yells.
     "This bitch hustled us!" He yells back. Both Sam and Dean clench their jaws.
     "What did you call her?" Dean asks. Sam puts a protective hand on Allison's shoulder as Dean steps forward.
     "A bitch," He says, puffing his chest out.
     "She's fifteen," Sam says in disbelieving anger.
     "I don't care. She cheated. Bitches cheat," The ass says.
     "I didn't cheat, Dean! I won fair and square!" She says.
     "If you say that one more time—" the man starts but Dean's fist cuts him off. He lands on the table, breaking it. His friends back off now.
     "I would say that you really need take your ego down a notch or two, but luckily my little sister already did that for you," Dean says. The man groans and rolls over.
     "Let's go," Dean says picking up his jacket. Sam puts his arm around Allison and leads her out the door. Allison sticks out her tongue at the losers.
     "I guess Bobby taught you well," Sam says, smiling.
     "Yeah, he did," Allison says, counting the money.
     "You're such a stupid little squirt!" Dean says, locking his arm around her head and giving her a noogie.
     "Hey! I saw an opportunity to make some cash and I took it!" Allison says. Dean stops noogying and smiles.
     "Wait until Dad hears. He'll be so proud," Dean says, making Allison beam. Sam smiles sadly, feeling left out but still happy. They all get into the car and drive to their motel where they get a good night's rest. They fall asleep feeling great; Dean proud of his sister, Allison proud of herself and Sam happy to be home.

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