
3.6K 67 5

Allison: 15
Dean: 24
Sam: 21

"Rise and shine, Ally!" Dean throws a pillow at Allison's face and she groans as she starts to wake up.
"If we're gonna make it to Hoboken by 11, we gotta get movin', sweetheart," Dean says as he continues packing his bag. Sam enters the motel room and looks at Ally.
"She's still not up?" Sam sighs and sets down the books he was carrying on the bedside table. "Al, I'm counting down from 10. 10, 9–"
"Sammy, please."
"07, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!" Sam says quickly and rips the blankets off of the bed, making Allison groan. The brothers laugh at their seemingly lazy sister.
"Fine. I'll get up." Allison sits up and holds her head tenderly. She groans and rubs her temple.
"You okay?" Dean asks as he goes back to packing his bag.
"Yeah, I'm fine." Allison shrugs and struggles to get to her feet. Her face is sweaty and pale and the bags under her eyes say otherwise.
"You don't look fine," Sam says with a look to Dean.
"I'm okay. Really, I am," Allison says and then promptly doubles over in pain. "Shit." Allison cusses and sits back down on the bed.
"Lay down. I'll get you some water," Sam says and runs over to the sink. Allison lays back down and holds her abdomen gingerly. Dean rushes over to her, concerned, and puts a gentle hand on her forehead.
"Sammy, she's burning up," Dean says as he looks her up and down and Sam hurries over. Sam puts his hand on Allison's head and exhales.
"Jesus, Al," Sam says. "Drink some water." He hands her a cup of water and she sips it.
"We should take her to the hospital," Dean says, grabbing his car keys.
"Dean, calm down," Sam and Allison say in unison.
"Just give me some Pepto and I'll be good to go in a few—" Allison cries out in pain, clutching her abdomen.
"Okay, let's go," Sam says, trying to get Allison to stand.
"Sammy, I don't think I can." Allison starts to cry and clutches her stomach. "It hurts so much."
"Sam, call 911," Dean commands and grabs Allison's hand. "You're gonna be okay, Al. I don't know what this is but they'll fix you. You'll be okay."
"The ambulance is on its way," Sam says, hanging up. "I think it's appendicitis." Sam worriedly looks at his pale, sweating sister.
"Appendawhat?" Dean says angrily.
"Inflammation of the appendix. She'll need a minor surgery," Sam says.
"Surgery?" Allison and Dean yell in unison.
"Oh, no," Allison moans, furrowing her brow. Dean squeezes her hand and brushes her tears away.
"You're gonna be okay. I'll be with you the whole time, baby," Dean says.
"Promise?" Allison says, her jaw clenched as she tries to handle the pain.
"Promise." Dean kisses Allison's forehead. Sam packs up their things in a bag for the hospital and an ambulance screams into the motel parking lot. Sam opens the door and the paramedics come rushing inside.
"Sir, please back away," they say to Dean and he steps back.
"Dean? Sam?" Allison cries out as she's surrounded by the paramedics. Dean clenches his jaw and holds back tears as the paramedics get Allison on the stretcher.
"Allison, you'll be alright," Sam shouts to her and follows her as they push the stretcher out the door.
"Sammy, I'm scared," Allison says as the paramedics load her into the ambulance. Dean looks around the motel room and spots Mister Tubbs, the stuffed bear he won her when she was 7 years old.
"Allison!" Dean shouts and runs after her, with the stuffed animal in hand.
"Sir, parents and guardians only." A paramedic pushes him back.
"Well, he's not here, goddamnit, but I am!" Dean yells and Sam puts a hand on his brother's shoulder, trying to calm him down.
"Dean, where are you? You promised," Allison cries. Dean gives the paramedic a look and he reluctantly lets Dean inside the ambulance.
"I'm here, kid. I'm here," Dean says, tenderly brushing her hair out of her face and places Mister Tubbs under her arm. "Sammy, take the car and follow us!" Dean tosses the keys to Sam and Sam runs to the car. The paramedics shut the door and the ambulance starts toward the hospital.


"Emergency appendectomy coming in!" The paramedic shouts as they enter the emergency room. Dean runs after Allison but is stopped by a nurse as they get to the entrance of the operating room.
"Allison, you'll be okay! I love you!" Dean shouts down the hall. Sam runs to the operating room a few minutes later to find Dean sitting outside in the waiting room.
"Dean..." Sam says. Dean looks up at his brother and back down at the ground.
"I dunno, Sammy. I just don't know," Dean says sadly.
"She'll be okay, Dean," Sam says and sits down next to him.
"I know we keep saying that and I'm trying to believe it. It's just hard," Dean says, wiping a tear from his face. Sam looks to the ground and sighs.
"Did you call—"
"I called everyone that matters," Dean says spitefully.
"Dean, you have to call him," Sam says after a pause. Dean looks at Sam and shakes his head.
"He'll probably find some way to blame this on me." Dean sighs.
"How about you call him, Sammy? Hasn't heard from you in what, 2 years?" Dean says and sighs. "I'm sorry, Sam. It's just—"
"I know. I'll call him...I will," Sam says and reluctantly gets out of his chair to call their father.


"At least she's got a cool scar now," Dean jokes and Sam chuckles weakly. The surgery went well and now her brothers and Bobby are anxiously waiting for her to wake up.
"I'll go down to the cafeteria and get some grub. You boys should eat," Bobby says and heads downstairs with a nod.
"So, what did Dad say?" Dean says hesitantly.
"Well, he was shocked to hear from me and of course he was worried about Ally but—"
"He's not coming." Dean sighs. "Fucking asshole."
"He's gonna finish up this case he's working on and then drive in to see her," Sam finishes and Dean shakes his head at the ground.
"Every day I wonder why I have looked up to him so much. Everything he does is for himself, whether it's revenge or some bullshit about 'doing the right thing,'" Dean says.
"He's our Dad, we're supposed to look up to him," Sam says. "Whether or not he deserves it."
"Well, he loves to make it pretty damn hard." Dean sighs.
"Hey, boys," John says, standing in the doorway.
"Dad?" Sam says and Dean stands up instinctively.
"I'm sorry. After I hung up, I did some thinking and I got someone else to take care of the ghost down in Aurora," John says. "It's really good to see you, Sam." John hugs Sam and then looks at Dean.
"Dad, if you heard any—" Dean says.
"Stop. You're right. I do make it hard for you—all of you, but I still love you kids more than anything, I swear." John hugs Dean. Dean is hesistant at first but he then embraces his father.
"I'm glad you're here, Dad," Dean says as John lets go and pats Dean on the back.
"So, how's my baby?" John asks, sitting down next to Allison.
"The surgery went well. We're just waiting for her to wake up." Sam nods.
"She always did like to sleep in," John says and they laugh. "Was she sick before yesterday, Dean?"
"She had a little stomach pain but I—we didn't really think much of it," Dean says.
"You should've called me," John says.
"She didn't complain about it. She just thought it was cramps or whatever," Dean says.
"Well, it wasn't. You should've taken responsibility for your sister," John scoffs.
"Dad, it was just a stomach ache," Sam says, trying to stand up for Dean.
"Which could've killed her!" John yells. Dean narrows his eyes at his father and thinks of all the things he could to say to him.
"You know, Dad—"
"I'm sorry, boys." John sighs and rubs his brow. "It's just been a long night."
"John?" Bobby asks from the doorway. He sets down the tray of coffee and muffins on an end table.
"Bob." John smiles and hugs his dear friend.
"You made it," Bobby says, shocked.
"Anything for my little girl," John says, sitting back down and taking Allison's hand. Allison's eyes flutter open to see Dean, Sam, John and Bobby all standing around her hospital bed.
"Hi, everyone." Allison laughs, a little surprised.
"Hi, sweetheart." John squeezes her hand and kisses her head. "I'm sorry I wasn't here earlier but I—"
"Daddy, it's fine. I love you." Allison smiles and John hugs her carefully. Bobby sighs, a little jealous. The second he heard that his little girl was sick, he was here with her. It didn't take some second guessing, he knew he needed to be here.
"I love you too," John says and smiles at her.
"I'm so glad you're all here," Allison says, smiling at her brothers and Bobby.
"Anything for you," Bobby says and they all smile.
"And Mister Tubbs made it!" Allison says with a laugh and then smiles at Dean. "Thank you."
"Do we know when she's getting out of here?" John asks.
"The doc said a couple of days," Dean says.
"Not too bad, huh, bug?" John says and pinches Allison's cheek, making her giggle.
"Not bad at all," Allison says, feeling her bandaged wound.
"Don't mess with it, Al," Sam says worriedly.
"Leave her alone, Sammy," Dean says.
"Do you want it to get infected, Dean?" Sam asks.
"dO yOu WaNt it tO GeT iNfecTeD—" Dean mocks Sam in a goofy voice, making Allison laugh.
"So, not much has changed?" John asks.
"Not at all." Bobby laughs.
"Well, I'll be staying with you until you're better, sweetheart," John says and rubs her back lovingly. Allison wants to ask why he doesn't just stay with them forever, but she knows better. She considers herself lucky that he's here with her now and she's not going to mess that up. Family time is rare and she doesn't want to miss a second of it.

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