The Brits

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No one requested this chapter but I always really liked Mick ❤️

Allison: 26
Dean: 35
Sam: 32

"Hello." Mick says to Dean at the front door of the bunker.
"What do you want?" Dean asks.
"Well, my name is Mick Davies and I'm with the British Men of Letters." Mick puts out his hand and Dean glares at him. Curious to see who is at the door, Sam walks up the stairs to meet Mick.
"Yeah, I remember. You're with the Brits that nearly killed my brother." Dean asks and Sam waves.
"Well, I believe we got off on the wrong foot, mate." Mick says and Dean scoffs.
"Well, mate," Dean mocks. "I believe we don't have time for your bullshit." Dean slams the door but Mick catches the door with his umbrella.
"Please, it'll only be a moment." Mick says.
"Come in." Sam says hesitantly and Mick enters the threshold. They all sit down at the table and Mick looks around.
"Lovely place, really." Mick says with a smile.
"Get on with it, pal." Dean says as Allison exits her bedroom, still in her pajamas.
"Woah. Sorry. Wh-what's going on?" Allison asks, embarrassed to just be in a tank top and short shorts in front of company. Mick hasn't had the pleasure of knowing many American women but Allison Winchester certainly doesn't disappoint.
"Just havin' a bit of a chat." Mick smiles politely at her. "I'm sure you're welcome to join us." Allison slowly walks over and sits down. Sam hands her his coffee and she smiles sleepily. "Mick Davies." Mick puts out his hand and Allison sips her coffee.
"Okay." She says. Mick nods and settles back into his seat.
"We, the British Men of Letters, are sensing a tad bit of animosity between us and it really is a shame because we want to work with you." Mick says bluntly.
"Work? With us?" Allison laughs.
"Why?" Sam asks.
"Why not? Back in England, we think we have a pretty good system for this monster stuff. One might say we'd like to help you Americans out." Mick says.
"Nah, I think we're okay. Thanks for—" Dean starts.
"Listen. I know what you're doing right now is comfortable but just try to imagine a world without monsters." Mick says and Dean chuckles. "I know it may sound ridiculous but it could really happen. Just hear me out." Mick says. "There is a nest of vampires in Tulsa, Oklahoma and we'd like to hunt with you."
"Like a test drive?" Allison asks.
"Exactly." Mick says. "It would just be you three, myself and one of our best men, Arthur Ketch." The Winchesters look at each other and back at Mick. "You can always say no but this particular nest is quite large and it would be an honor to work alongside—"
"Cut the crap. How big we talkin'?" Dean asks.
"About 20 vampires with approximately 5 victims in captivity." Mick says. "Mr. Ketch can give you the whole rundown tonight."
"I'm in." Sam says after a beat and Mick beams.
"Me too." Allison says and nudges Dean.
"Just a test drive?" Dean asks.
"Just a test drive." Mick nods.
"See you tonight." Dean says and Mick offers him his hand. "Man, if you're screwing us, you're in deep shit." Dean says, shaking his hand. Mick swallows and nods.
"Right. Well, thank you. Mr. Ketch and I will arrive here at approximately 8 o'clock for the pre-hunt—"
"Just get here when you get here." Dean dismisses him and Mick heads up the stairs.
"Looking forward to it, Winchesters." Mick says and exits the bunker. He pulls out his cellphone and dials. "Yes. I've secured the Winchesters. Send Ketch here immediately for Plan 24. Thank you." Mitch says and hangs up. He sighs, gets in his rental car and drives off.


"I think they're here." Allison calls out after hearing car tires roll onto the gravel driveway. A knock is heard at the door and Sam goes up the stairs to welcome them inside.
"Hello." Both of the Brits say to Sam.
"Hi." Sam says and they follow him down the stairs. Ketch looks around the bunker, smirking. Allison and Dean glare at the pompous man due to his obvious smugness.
"This is Arthur Ketch; good man, better hunter." Mick says and the Winchesters nod. "And these are the Winchesters; Dean, Samuel and Allison." Mick says, pointing to each of them. Ketch interrogates each of the Winchesters with his eyes. Mick's little introduction is really just for show. Ketch was already debriefed on each of the Winchesters weeks ago, but seeing them in person is definitely a different experience. Ketch hasn't had much interaction with American hunters or Americans in general, so one might say the Winchesters are his new representation of America.
"Are we quite up to snuff, Sir Dickbag?" Dean asks in a phony British accent.
"Dean!" Sam hits his shoulder as Allison snickers. Ketch scowls and sighs.
"No. You're dirty and out of shape. Oh, and must we not forget idiotically crude." Ketch says and Mick sighs.
"Out of shape? I'm in the best damn shape of my life!" Dean scoffs.
"I'd really like to see you two run a mile in under 8 minutes." Ketch says, gesturing to Dean and Allison. Sam snickers quietly and Allison hits his arm.
"Well, I can—I normally, so..." Dean says, crossing his arms over his chest. Allison rolls her eyes and Mick clears his throat.
"Yes, well, Mr. Ketch. Shall we?" Mick says, pulling a map out of his bag.
"Indeed." Ketch smirks at Dean and points on the map. "This is where the nest is in Tulsa. Formerly, the building was a shoe packaging facility but it shut down 2 years ago. Since then, these vampires have taken up residence within the building."
"How come we're just hearing about this huge nest now?" Sam asks.
"They managed to remain under the radar by robbing blood banks in the area. I guess that stolen blood bags just wasn't enough for the greedy little things because there have been four disappearances and one body found in the past few months." Ketch says.
"They're feeding off of them slowly." Allison sighs, due to her history with vampires. Whenever a vampire case comes up, Allison can't help but think back to nearly ten years ago when she was captured by a nest and fed off of for weeks. Sam rubs her back gingerly, knowing that these cases upset her. Ketch takes note of this and looks to Mick.
"Everything all right?" Mick asks.
"Yeah, it's fine." Allison says, shrugging off Sam.
"We had a case just like this a few years back and it's still sensitive." Sam says and Dean crosses his arms over his chest.
"May I ask what exactly happened on this hunt? It's always fruitful to learn from other hunters mistakes." Ketch says, cocking his head at Allison. Dean glares at him and Sam sighs.
"No one screwed up, we were just caught unaware when a group of vampires distracted Dean and I and then took Allison captive. They fed off of her for..." Sam trails off.
"2 months and 9 days." Dean finishes and Sam nods.
"She was...very sick by the time we found her." Sam says, putting his hands in his pockets.
"Oh, dear." Ketch says after a moment.
"Are you all right to work this case? Because we could—" Mitch asks.
"I'm fine. Saving people and killing those things helps...a lot." Allison says. "So, your plan better work."
"Right. Well, I say we split up and attack from three different sides. Since we suspect they keep the victims in the back and the main part of the nest is on the east side of the building, we'll have Samuel and Mick come through the west side entrance, Allison and myself go through the front and Dean going solo in the back." Ketch says.
"First off, his name is Sam. Second of all, Ally's with me." Dean says and Allison gives him a look. "What, Al? We're going into a vamp nest and I'm not gonna trust some British perv to protect you!" Dean says.
"Ouch." Ketch says.
"Since when do I need protecting, Dean? You always say that I'm a 'good ass hunter.' I think I can take care of myself." Allison says.
"Not on this hunt, Al." Dean says authoritatively and Allison sighs.
"So, Allison is with Dean at the back. Is everything else 'up to snuff '?" Ketch says.
"Seems good." Sam nods.
"Kill all the vampires first, then we release the victims." Ketch says. "And you'll need these." Ketch hands each of them a loaded gun and a pill. "Dead man's blood bullets and that pill will prevent you from being turned by one of the nasty little buggers, God forbid if it came to that." Ketch says, popping his pill. The Winchesters look to each other and shrug, taking the pill.
"Mr. Ketch and I will meet you chaps there." Mick says and then him and Ketch leave the bunker.
"You guys ready?" Allison asks, grabbing her duffel bag.
"Yep." Sam says, looking to Dean.
"I don't know, Sammy." Dean says, fiddling with his gun.
"You're just mad because he made fun of you." Sam says and Dean frowns. The Winchesters get up and head outside to the Impala.
"Out of shape my ass...and dirty? I took a shower yesterday!" Dean says and Allison rolls her eyes.
"Get over it. It's just a test drive, Dean."

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