In My Time of Dying

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Here is a request from @the_star_maiden that's based off of Season 2 Episode 1.

Allison: 15
Dean: 24
Sam: 21

"Mr. Winchester?" A nurse calls out in the hospital waiting room. Sam jumps to his feet and approaches the nurse.
"Yes?" Sam says, bracing himself for the news.
"Your father, John, just woke up. Would you like to see him?" The nurse says and Sam sighs.
"Uh, y-yeah. Definitely." Sam rubs the back of his neck nervously. "How are my brother and sister?"
"Allison is still in surgery and Dean is on his way to the ICU." The nurse says.
"The ICU? Is he okay?" Sam asks, his voice wavering.
"The doctor will be in to talk to you and your father soon." The nurse says with a kind smile.
"Thank you." Sam deflates and walks towards his father's hospital room. Sam gently knocks on the door and enters the threshold.
"Sam." John says and smiles weakly. Sam pulls up a chair and sits next to his father.
"Dad, I'm so glad you're okay." Sam says and John grabs his hand.
"Me too, son. Any news?" John asks and Sam sighs.
"Dean is being taken to the ICU and Allison is still in surgery. The doctor is coming in to talk to us soon." Sam says and John sighs.
"Where's The Colt?" John asks after a pause.
"Are you kidding me—"
"We just got in a massive car wreck and your kids could be dying but you're worried about the damn Colt?" Sam yells, standing up.
"Sam, we're still hunting this thing. Hell, we're probably being hunted! That gun may be our only card." John says. Sam exhales sharply and turns away from his father.
"It's in the trunk. They dragged the car to a yard off of I-83." Sam says succinctly.
"Okay. You need to clean that car out before anyone finds what's inside that trunk." John orders.
"I already called Bobby. He's on it." Sam says.
"All right. You go meet up with Bobby and bring The Colt back to me." John says. "And Sam, I made up a list of things I need. Give this list to Bobby and hopefully he can get it for us." John says and he hands Sam a list.
"What's this stuff for?" Sam asks, looking the list over.
"A protection spell." John says and a knock is heard at the door. Sam folds up the list and puts it in his pocket.
"Hello." A balding doctor says as he politely enters the room. "I'm Dr. Greene, the doctor on your case, and I have some news regarding your children, Mr. Winchester." John nods at the doctor, waiting for him to continue. "Your son, Dean, arrived with some grave injuries and fortunately we were able to get him stable but by the looks of his test results, his chances of survival are quite grim." Dr. Greene says and Sam starts to cry. John holds Sam's hand and holds back tears.
"How long does my boy have?" John asks.
"It's hard to say and it's not a guarantee but I'd guess that your son will die within the next 48 hours." Dr. Greene says. John shakily sighs and squeezes Sam's hand.
"How about my baby girl?" John says, his voice breaking.
"Allison is out of surgery and on her way to a recovery room." Dr. Greene says, causing Sam and John to sigh in relief. "But, unfortunately there were some complications with the surgery. The accident caused some significant spinal trauma for Allison and due to some complications, our surgery team could not repair most of the damages."
"Wh-what does that mean?" Sam asks.
"As of right now Allison's body is completely paralyzed. She cannot move or talk and is currently having a little trouble breathing on her own. The good news is that Allison has great brain activity and with physical therapy she should be able to regain some motor functions." Dr. Greene says.
"Some motor functions?" John asks.
"Yes, by the time she leaves the hospital we plan to have her breathing on her own and with the best care, over time she could possibly talk and even operate a motorized wheelchair." Dr. Greene says. "I have some pamphlets—"
"I don't want your damn pamphlets!" John says, throwing them to the ground. "My son is dying and my daughter is a vegetable and you offer me pamphlets?!"
"I'm very sorry—"
"Oh, I bet you are!" John yells. "Get out of my room!" Dr. Greene exits the room and Sam puts a comforting hand on his father's back.
"Go meet up with Bobby, get the gun and bring me those things." John says, wiping his tears away.
"But Dad—"
"Go on, Sam!" John yells. Sam wipes the tears from his face, glaring at his father. Sam slowly stands up and then rushes out of the room, leaving John utterly alone.

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