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Allison: 9
Dean: 18
Sam: 15

"Why can't I go to school with you and Dean?" Allison whines, looking up at Sam, who had just hit his growth spurt.
"You aren't old enough, Al." Sam chuckles.
"Come on. We're gonna be late." Sam puts his arm around his little sister and guides her out to the Impala to find Dean eating a toaster pastry and checking himself out in the rear view mirror.
"We ready?" He sighs as Allison jumps in the backseat.
"I guess I have to be," Allison grumbles, crossing her arms over her chest.
"That's the spirit, kid," Dean says sarcastically and looks to Sam. Sam shrugs and Dean nods, putting the car in reverse and driving down the street.
The car pulls up to the grade school and Allison sees the kids playing in the schoolyard before the bell. She feels butterflies start to flutter in her stomach and she frowns. She grabs her bag and reluctantly leaves the car. As she adjusts her cheap backpack on her shoulder, Sam hops out of the Impala to walk her to the door.
"Hey, look! She's here!" Allison frowns as a group of girls in pretty dresses run towards her. Sam smiles a little, happy to see she's made friends. The girls stop and judge the scrawny looking boy.
"Who are you?" One of the 4th graders ask.
"Her big brother," Sam says and Dean honks the horn impatiently.
"Who's that?" The same little girl asks.
"Her other older brother," Sam says and the girls blush and giggle. Sam rolls his eyes and hugs Allison.
"Have a good day, Al." Sam ruffles her hair and gets back inside the car.
"Bye, Ally! There's a Twinkie in your lunch!" Dean says out the window with a mouthful of toaster pastry and a grin. Her brothers then drive away, Metallica blasting out the windows, with Sam undoubtedly telling Dean to turn it down.
"Nice outfit, Ally!" One of the girls sneer.
"Who picked it out? The garbage man?" Another bully says. Allison looks down at her overalls and AC/DC t-shirt.
"Gimme your Twinkie," the leader says.
"No, it's mine," Allison says meekly.
"It's not like you need it, fatty," she says and her friends laugh. Allison fishes it out of her paper bag and hands it over. Allison's round cheeks are flushed a bright pink as she starts scurrying away from the girls. One girl sticks out her leg and trips her, making her skin her knee on the asphalt. The girls walk away, laughing. Allison sighs, picks herself up from the ground and heads into the classroom.


"DEAN! You overslept! We're gonna be late!" Sam yells.
"Jesus, Sammy! Calm down." Dean gets out of bed and throws on some clothes. Sam scolds Dean all the way until they get into the car.
"You ready, Allison?" Dean asks, ignoring Sam and she shrugs in the backseat.
"This is serious, Dean!" Sam yells.
"I'll drop you off first, numb-nuts!" Dean snaps.
After they drop off Sam, Dean pulls up to the grade school and puts the Impala in park.
"I'll walk you in so you don't get in trouble, baby," Dean says. He takes her hand as they walk into the building, just like he did when she was five years old. As soon as they enter the room, Allison takes her hand back from Dean, not willing to let the bullies see.
"Can I help you?" The teacher looks up from her desk.
"I'm just dropping off my sister," Dean says with a polite smile.
"She's 45 minutes late," the teacher says bluntly and the class looks up. Allison's face flushes and she looks down at her dirty sneakers; she hears the mean girls snickering in the back corner of the room.
Dean ignores the teacher and walks Allison to her desk. The teacher goes back to grading papers and the class starts to work again.
"Are you good?" Dean kneels down beside her and Allison nods.
"Check out fatty," a girl says.
"She looks like a tomato!" Another girl giggles.
Dean looks over at the brats and back to Allison, making her head sink down. Dean's brow furrows in anger as he stands.
"Hey, Allison! You got another Twinkie? I'm feeling a little hungry today but knowing you, you probably already ate it!" The leader says and kids around her laugh. Dean pretends to laugh along and he keeps laughing. The girls look at him, confused.
"No, no! Keep it coming! You girls are too funny!" Dean says, his voice escalating.
"Excuse me?" The teacher says, a little concerned.
"You got some jokesters in your class, Teach. They think it's funny to make my little sister feel like shit! Well, it's not funny! It's not funny at all!" Dean slams his fist down on one of the girls' desks and she jumps. Everyone stares at Dean, terrified of what he'll do next.
"We're leaving." Dean grabs Allison's arm and takes her out of the classroom. "Good for nothing little assholes, that's what they are. Daddy buys 'em anything they want. They don't even know how good they have it," Dean mumbles. Allison smiles to herself and hops into the Impala, happy to be free.
"Why wouldn't you tell me?" Dean asks, getting in the car and Allison shrugs.
"I was trying to be brave and not make a big deal," Allison says. "You guys have bigger problems than this."
Dean hugs her, real tight, and then pulls away, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.
"Nothing is as important as you, Al. I love you so much." He kisses her head and they drive off, finally safe from the bullies.

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