SPN Con (J2, Cast & Reader)

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Hey guys! So for this story I'm doing something a little different. Let me know if you like it! :)

Imagine: you play Allison Winchester on the CW's Supernatural and you get an offensive question at a convention.

You: 24
Jensen: 33
Sam: 30

"Next question?" Jensen asks, causing the cast and crew of Supernatural to look towards a small girl standing at the microphone.
"Um, hi!" She says, the microphone giving feedback.
"Well, hello!" Misha says in a silly voice, making the audience laugh.
"So, I'd just like to start off by saying how awesome all of you are and you've helped me through so much." The girl says nervously, causing the audience to applaud.
"Thank you!" Jared smiles at her.
"We couldn't do it without you guys." You say and the audience awws.
"What's you question, sweetheart?" Jensen smiles, taking a sip of water.
"For Supernatural, what has been your least favorite scene to film?" She says.
"Hmm." Jensen looks to his co-stars and smiles. "Any scene with Speight." The audience erupts into laughter.
"Any of you can answer too!" The fan adds.
"It's always uncomfortable when Jared or Jensen are playing a demon or leviathan because they get all creepy and sexual and that's supposed to be my brother." You joke and the audience laughs.
"Seriously though. I'd have to say when Allison died." Jensen sighs, making the audience aw.
"Oh, no. That scene was the worst!" Richard says.
"Yeah, that was brutal." Jared says and Misha makes an exaggerated sad face.
"Holding Y/N in my arms, seeing her covered in blood and dying was just terrible." Jensen says, looking at you.
"And it wasn't just one take. Like, we had to keep doing it. Watching her die over and over again." Jared sighs.
"Working with the same people for 10 years, you create a bond. These two are actually like my little brother and sister. I love 'em. So, when I have to see them hurt, it's rough." Jensen says and the audience awws.
"But then when they call cut, Y/N just gets up and says 'Where's the pizza? They said they were getting us pizza.' and we realize she's fine." Jared says and everyone laughs.
"Next question." Rob says after the laughter has died down.
"Hi, I'm Terry from Connecticut." A middle aged balding man says behind the microphone.
"Hi, Terry from Connecticut!" Misha says.
"I have to say that Jensen and Jared, you guys have to be the coolest guys ever and Misha you are hilarious and such a great guy and Y/N you are the most beautiful woman on Earth." Terry says quickly.
"Wow." Jensen laughs.
"Well, thank you, Terry." Jared smiles at him.
"So, I have to ask Miss Y/L/N a question." Terry says meekly.
"Ooh." Jensen says and Jared winks at the audience.
"I'm just gonna ask because I'll regret it forever if I don't do it. Would you please go on a date with me? I know I may not be the best looking or the smartest but I'll treat you right, I will." Terry says and the audience awws.
"Oh, no." You cringe away from your mic towards Jared on your right.
"Oh, Terry." Jensen sighs.
"Just give me a chance. A gorgeous, classically curvy woman like you needs someone who will take care of you." Terry tries again. Jared giggles in his hand and you kick him under the table.
"Gorgeous, classically curvy...Terry, that was pretty damn smooth." Jensen says.
"It sounds like you're describing a piece of furniture." You say, causing everyone to laugh.
"So?" Terry grins.
"I'm flattered, Terry, but I'm gonna have to say no. I'm sorry." You say and he nods sadly, sitting back down.
"I have a question!" A shrill voiced girl says into the microphone. "So, Y/N. I'm sure you're aware of how much of an inspiration you are to girls due to us seeing a strong woman with a different body type on screen for once."
"I—I guess I'm aware of that. Thank you." You say and the panel chuckles. Jensen and Jared share a glance, not liking the way this question is headed.
"Well, you're just gorgeous and I'm sure we'd all like to know, what are your measurements?" The girl asks which is followed by an awkward pause. Your face flushes and you look down in your lap for a few moments.
"Are you kidding me?" Kim laughs, her mouth agape.
"I know I don't need or want to know that information." Jensen says, causing a few laughs.
"I don't mean to be weird!" The girl giggles.
"Well, honey, that was pretty damn weird." Richard says and everyone laughs.
"I think I'll leave it up to your imagination." You say and take a sip of your water. Jared looks to you as they take the next question. He can tell you're feeling badly about the past few questions and wants to help. You mainly stay quiet the next couple of questions and then a middle aged woman comes up to the microphone.
"Hi! I have a question for Y/N!" She says and Jensen and Jared look to you. Jensen now notices you're not acting like yourself and frowns. "In Season 3, Allison was captured by those vampires and was fed on for months. The episodes where you looked completely emaciated were so well done! I was wondering if the writers asked you to lose the weight or was that a professional choice?"
"Well, I wanted it to look authentic but I didn't want to be unhealthy, so I found some middle ground and the makeup crew did an awesome job as well." You say and a few audience members cheer.
"Next qu—"
"Oh, sorry. I was also wondering how much weight you had to lose to look that thin and how much did you gain back because it looked like it was pretty easy to gain it back?" The woman asks and then chuckles as if she was attempting to make a joke.
"What?" You say, your face bright red. The panel looks at each other awkwardly and Jensen glares at the audience member.
"Wow. Did you really just ask that?" Jensen says after a pause. "I'm sorry but it's truly sick that some of you think it's okay to get up here and ask this lovely young lady her body measurements and how much weight she has lost or gained or—"
"I didn't mean to—"
"What did you mean to do?" Jared asks.
"It's fine." You say quietly to the guys.
"I'm sorry, Y/N. That must've come out wrong! It's just really refreshing to see a woman who isn't afraid to eat and show off her natural body on camera. You're truly an inspiration for bigger women." The audience member says. You're holding back tears now. You never really thought you were fat or a "bigger woman" before the show started. Now, you're constantly getting comments about it either in magazines, posts on social media or by questions from fans.
"It's fine." You put on a fake smile for the audience.
"Can I have a hug? I feel really bad." The woman asks, trying to make amends.
"Are you serious?" Jensen laughs, shocked at this woman's forwardness.
"Yeah, she is such an inspiration to me and—"
"I'm gonna stop you right there. We're all trying to be nice, but honey, you're being incredibly rude right now." Kim says and the audience cheers.
"No, you're done." Richard says and looks to the moderator.
"Let's take a fifteen minute break and we'll bring back the cast and crew of the CW's Supernatural!" The moderator says and you get up out of your seat and rush backstage. You run to your dressing room but Jared runs after you and grabs your hand before you can lock yourself inside.
"Come here." He says and pulls you in for a hug.
"I'm so embarrassed." You say into his shirt, tears spilling out of your eyes.
"Where's Y/N?" Misha asks. You look up and see Jensen, Misha, and Kim are rushing towards you.
"Oh, honey." Kim says, tears welling up in her eyes. "Let's sit down." You all sit down in your dressing room and Misha hands you a tissue.
"I didn't used to think I was fat but—" you start.
"You're not fat." Jensen says, angry, but not at you. Jared rubs your back and you sigh. "I'm so unbelievably pissed right now." Jensen says.
"Jensen—" Kim says.
"No, Kim. It's ridiculous. I don't know how they think it's okay to ask those questions. She's still a kid! I'm gonna talk to the moderator about having that woman removed from the convention. I want her out." Jensen gets up and walks out.
"I'm being so dramatic. I'm sorry." You say and they shake their heads.
"No, Jensen is being dramatic." Jared says.
"Where's the god damn moderator?" Jensen yells, a producer then pulls him aside to calm him down. You all laugh and then Richard walks in.
"Hey, kiddo." He says sadly and takes Jensen's seat.
"I'm sorry I made a big deal about it, I'm just still not used to being called 'an inspiration for bigger women' because I didn't think I was a bigger woman." You say with a sigh.
"You're so beautiful, Y/N. You know that, right?" Kim says, brushing a tear off of your face and you nod reluctantly.
"Inside and out." Jared hugs you.
"And girlfriend, you got nothin' to be ashamed of with that booty!" Richard says in a sassy voice, causing everyone to laugh.
"I'm just gonna have to get used to these comments on my physique." You say.
"They want us to go back out soon. I said it'd be wrong for—" Jensen says in the doorway.
"No. Let's go." You say, standing up.
"You sure?" Jensen puts a hand on your shoulder.
"Yeah, thanks guys. I appreciate you so much." You say and they all hug you. Jensen grabs you and gives you a noogie.
"I love you so much, kid." Jensen says as they start to file out of the room. "Don't ever let anyone make you feel like that, okay? Because you're awesome, Y/N."
"Thank you, Jensen." You say and head back out onstage.

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