Prank War

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This is a request from @a66ielane :)

Allison: 22
Dean: 31
Sam: 28

"Sam? Can you help me with something?" Allison calls from the kitchen.
"Yeah, just a sec!" Sam says from his room. Allison and Dean chuckle as their prank is about to commence. "What do you nee—" Sam goes crashing to the ground as he slips on the oiled up floor outside his bedroom.
"Oh, my God!" Allison hoots as her and Dean howl with laughter.
"You guys are jerks." Sam says with a sigh.
"No, you're just a little bitch." Dean says and Allison laughs.
"You know, I'm not gonna come next time and watch, you're actually gonna need my help." Sam says as Allison goes to help him up.
"I know, I'm sorry. It's just too easy." Allison says as she nonchalantly rubs a Post-It Note on his back that reads "Spank me if you like what you see ;)." She gives a thumbs up to Dean and smiles lovingly at Sam.
"You're just an easy target, man." Dean shrugs and Sam glares at him. Sam walks towards the kitchen and grabs a banana off of the counter. Wings flutter and Castiel appears behind Sam.
"Hey, Cas." Sam says casually and leans his elbow on the counter. Castiel reads the note on Sam's back as Dean and Allison try to keep straight faces. Castiel hesitantly gives Sam's butt a light tap, causing Sam to choke on his food.
"Cas, what the hell?" Sam yells.
"I'm happy to see you guys, so I guess I like what I see." Castiel says, causing Allison and Dean to burst out laughing.
"What?" Sam says, reaching around to grab the note. He reads it, crumples it up and glares at his siblings. "I'm done with you two."
"That was all Ally." Dean laughs.
"It was good though, right?" Allison laughs even harder.
"I'm not sure I understand—" Castiel starts.
"You know what? I'm gonna get you two back and it's not gonna be these stupid, simple pranks. It's gonna be bad." Sam says and walks in his room nearly slipping on the ground again.
"Ooh scawee!" Dean taunts and Allison chuckles.


Sam and Allison sit at the kitchen table; Allison eating lunch and Sam reading a book.
"Sam!" Dean bellows down the hall. Allison looks up from her sandwich and Sam grins.
"What'd you do?" Allison laughs.
"You'll see." Sam says as Dean storms in the room.
"Where is she? Where's baby?" Dean asks angrily.
"I—I don't know. Dean, I swear." Sam says and Dean grabs him by the collar of his shirt.
"Bullshit. Where is my car?" Dean growls.
"Talk to your boyfriend." Sam says, making Allison burst out laughing. Dean throws Sam back into his chair and turns away with a huff.
"Cas! Where's my car—"
"Hello, Dean. I hid your car where it will never be found. Don't worry, it's safe." Castiel says suddenly.
"What?" Dean says.
"Sam said you needed to hide—"
"Where is it?!" Dean yells.
"At the bottom of the Indian Ocean." Castiel says, proud of his stealthiness. Sam's smile melts away as Castiel reveals the car's new location and Dean slowly turns around to face his siblings.
"Sam." Dean says.
"...yes, Dean?" Sam says nervously.
"My car is in the ocean." Dean says.
"I didn't know he'd—"
"My car is in the freaking ocean!!" Dean screams.
"It's probably ruined." Sam sighs. "I'm sorry, Dean." Dean looks at the ground like he's about to cry. Castiel's brow furrows and he looks to Sam.
"Dean, your car is just at the body shop on Main Street." Castiel says and Sam sighs.
"What?" Dean asks.
"You could've let it go a little longer, Cas." Sam says, grinning at Dean. Dean stares, mouth agape at his brother.
"You're such a bitch, Sammy." Dean says.
"Seems like you're the bitch, Dean. Do you need a tissue?" Sam asks and Dean stares daggers at him. After a few moments Allison giggles and Dean glares at her.
"What are you laughing at?" Dean says.
"It's funny." Allison chuckles.
"Oh, yeah? Well, good on you, Sammy. Allison thinks it's funny." Dean says. "I'm laughing so hard. Ha ha HA!" Dean says, his voice breaking. He storms off to his room and slams the door. Sam and Allison snicker at their petulant older brother.
"Thanks, Cas. I owe you." Sam says with a laugh.
"I still don't understand all of this 'prank' stuff." Castiel says.
"It's okay. We'll just have to prank you." Allison smiles.
"Learn by experience." Sam says and they laugh. Castiel nods confusedly and then vanishes.
"I have to admit, that was pretty good, Sam." Allison says, taking a bite of her sandwich.
"Uh huh. Just you wait, Ally." Sam says, getting up from the table and heading into his room. Allison looks down at her sandwich, concerned. She pushes the plate away from her and cautiously heads inside her room.


"Sam, it's been weeks. I can't take it anymore! When are you pranking me?" Allison says as they head back to the Impala after a hunt.
"You still haven't done that?" Dean asks, unlocking the car.
"Oh, yeah. I must've forgotten." Sam shrugs and Allison rolls her eyes.
"Bullshit." Allison says and plops down in the backseat. A huge fart sound erupts as she sits down and Sam laughs.
"Classic." He says and Dean gives him a look.
"Really? That's it?" He asks.
"Yeah." Sam shrugs.
"Sam, you gave me fricken' angina with your prank and all she gets is a whoopee cushion?" Dean says.
"She's our little sister, Dean. I'm not gonna be that mean." Sam says and Dean rolls his eyes.
"I'm just glad it's over." Allison sighs and settles into her seat. Later, the Impala pulls up to the bunker and Allison gets out of the car and heads inside.
"A whoopee cushion?" Dean says as he turns off the car. Sam just smirks at Dean and leaves the car. Dean grins and hurries inside after Sam. "Sammy, what'd you do?"
"You'll see." He says, sitting down on the couch with a book.
"I'm hopping in the shower!" Allison calls from down the hallway.
"Okay!" Dean says as he assembles a sandwich in the kitchen. After a few minutes, Sam smiles to himself when he hears Allison shut off the water. Allison exits the bathroom in her robe, her hair wrapped up in a towel.
"Have you seen my hair dryer?" Allison asks. Dean looks up and his jaw drops.
"W-what happened to your face?" Dean asks and then looks to Sam.
"What do you mean?" Allison asks, her hands traveling to her face.
"It's orange. Like, bright orange, Al." Dean says, cringing. Allison rushes to her bedroom, looks in the mirror and screams.
"Sam!" She cries and runs into the living room.
"Yes?" He says, grinning at her.
"What did you do to me? I'm orange!" Allison screams and Dean stifles his laughter.
"Just a little food dye in your face wash." Sam says and Allison runs back into her room, slamming the door.
"Dude..." Dean grimaces and Sam nods.
"Wait." Sam says. Allison screams suddenly and then storms into the living room again.
"Why?!" She screeches. Her once blonde hair is now dyed a putrescent green. Her brothers just stare at her and then burst out laughing. "It's not funny! My hair is green!"
"Oompa Loompa doopa dee doo!" Dean says in a singsong voice, making Sam wheeze.
"I gotta get a picture!" Sam says, wiping a tear and snapping a picture. Allison crosses her arms over her chest and pouts.
"Aw. She's pouting." Dean laughs.
"Come here. I'm sorry." Sam says as he gathers her in a hug.
"What happened to not being mean because I'm your little sister?" Allison scowls.
"You're my little sister, I have to be mean." Sam says and looks down at her. "It'll wash off in a few days."
"Days? Sam! I can't go around looking like this for a few days!" Allison says. Wings flutter as Gabriel and Castiel appear.
"Woah, what's going on?" Gabriel asks.
"They've been pranking each other a lot lately." Castiel says.
"No more. I'm done!" Allison says.
"So, how come Wonka let you loose?" Gabriel says and Allison glares at him. "Come on! I love a good prank war!" Gabriel says.
"No, no. You got all your magic and stuff. It's unfair." Dean says.
"Oh, you mean like this?" Gabriel snaps and Dean disappears. Sam and Allison look around and then Dean suddenly appears, beet red, in a pink speedo with nipple tassels.
"The Supreme Court was not happy to see me." Dean says, embarrassed. "I didn't even do that to her!" Dean whines, pointing at Allison. "Sam did."
"Sammy? I'm shocked." Gabriel says.
"Why?" Sam asks.
"Because it's pretty damn good." Gabriel laughs and boops Allison's nose. "But, Sam, you of all people should know that you don't mess with people's hair." Gabriel snaps.
"No-no—" The hair on Sam's head starts to fall out and he frowns as his hands, arms, legs and face get hairier.
"Bald Sasquatch." Gabriel says as Sam runs to go look in the mirror.
"Oh, my God! Put it back!" Sam yells as they all laugh.
"Sorry, Sam." Gabriel shrugs.
"It'll probably only last a few days." Allison jeers.
"Okay, mine is way worse, Ally!" Sam says, looking at his hairy hands.
"True." Gabriel says. "I'm sorry, sweetheart. I can't be biased." He snaps his fingers and gives Allison a pair of white overalls and white eyebrows to complete the Oompa Loompa look.
"Are you kidding me?" She groans and Gabriel smiles.
"I think you guys look great." Gabriel says and flicks one of Dean's nipple tassels. "We done here, Castiel?"
"Well, actually—"
"Great." Gabriel snaps him and Castiel out of the bunker, leaving the Winchesters looking like a bunch of fools.
"No more pranks." Allison utters and the boys nod.
"At least not with Gabe." Dean says and removes his nipple tassels hastily.

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