Hunting For Humans

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This is loosely based off of "The Benders" S1E15. This one is really long.

Allison: 15
Dean: 24
Sam: 21

"Maybe this isn't our kind of case. Probably just a kidnapping sort of thing," Dean says as they pull into the parking lot of a bar. Allison sighs. She always has to wait in the car when the guys go to a bar.
"I don't know, Dean. The whining growl that the kid heard? Plus this county has the most disappearances per captia," Sam says, looking through his notes in the passenger seat.
"Okay, that is weird," Dean says, killing the engine. "Here, baby. You can listen to music. Let's go, Sammy," Dean says, tossing the keys to his sister. Sam smiles and mouths 'sorry' to Allison and then catches up to Dean. Allison jumps in the front seat, puts on Zep's Houses of the Holy and leans her seat all the way back.


"Alright. You think we should head back to that motel we saw?" Sam says, polishing off his beer.
"Come on, Sammy. Live a little," Dean says as he throws a few darts at the dart board.
"I feel bad leaving Ally in the car," Sam says.
"Dad does it all the time," Dean says matter of factly.
"Does that make it okay?" Sam asks with an edge in his voice. Dean looks at his brother and sighs.
"I'll be out in a second. I'm just gonna finish my drink," Dean says, turning back towards the dart board. Sam gets up and exits the bar. Outside the bar is foggy and smells like gasoline. He walks towards the Impala and notices that the passenger door is open.
"Al?" Sam asks, putting John's journal down on top of the trunk of the car. Sam walks around the car and looks inside.
"D'yer Mak'er" blasts through the car radio and out into the quiet parking lot. Sam's brow furrows with worry as he hears chains rattle nearby.
"Hello?" Sam pulls out a flashlight and checks under the car. A cat hisses and makes Sam yelp. He laughs at himself but is then grabbed by the feet and dragged to the ground.


20 minutes later Dean gets to the Impala and finds the same scene that Sam did. Music playing with an empty car. He confusedly picks up his Dad's journal off of the trunk of the car.
"Sam? Ally?" Dean shouts. Dean asks people leaving and entering the bar if they had seen either of the two but no one says that they had. After many hours of worry, Dean sighs and drives back to the motel to get some sleep.


Sam awakens on a cold iron floor. He looks up and sees that he's locked inside a cage. He looks in the cage across from him and sees an unconscious man that sits with his back against the iron bars. In the cage next to Sam, Allison lies in a heap on the floor.
"Ally! Hey! Wake up!" Sam hits the side of his cage. She doesn't move.
Where the hell are we?
"Hey, what the hell man?" The man says.
"You're alive?" Sam asks, shocked.
"Well, yeah," he says.
"You're Jenkins," Sam says.
"Yep. How'd you know?" Jenkins says.
"Well, me and my siblings were looking for you," Sam sighs, gesturing to Allison.
"Real great rescue, buddy," Jenkins says, rubbing his head.
"Don't worry, my brother is still out there looking," Sam reassures and Allison groans.
"Hey, Al!" Sam grips his cage.
"Sam?" Allison asks, dazed.
"Yeah," Sam says sadly.
"Where the hell are we?" She asks.
"No clue," Sam says. Jenkins smiles at the pretty girl.
"This Jenkins?" She asks.
"Yep," Jenkins says with a grin. Sam glares at the man and then sighs.
"Jenkins, have you seen them yet? What do they look like?" Sam asks.
"What the hell do you mean?" He asks and the barn door creaks open. "See for yourself."
Two men in overalls and masks enter the room. They open Jenkins' cage and he frantically scrambles away from the cage's door. They set down his plate of food and close the door. The men start to walk away but stop in front of Allison's cage. They grunt in approval and then chuckle with each other as they leave.
"What the hell was that?" Allison asks.
"Jenkins, how often do they feed you?" Sam asks.
"Once a day," He says with his mouth full.
"Sam, did you see them?" Allison says worriedly.
"Yeah. They're human," Sam says.

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