Pure Evil

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A request from an anonymous user.
⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️
This story involves attempted rape/dominant male behavior. No penetration but still smutty and icky.

Allison: 18
Dean: 27
Sam: 24

"Wakey wakey, princess."
Allison's eyes flutter open. She attempts to move her arms and then her legs but she finds that she's strapped down to a cold metal table.
"What's going on?" She winces as she starts to feel her throbbing headache. Multiple men stare down at her, chuckling as she fights against the restraints.
"The little Winchester," one of the men say, his eyes flicking to a deep black.
"What do you guys say? Should we get these clothes off of her?" Another one says and Allison's blood runs cold.
"Don't you touch me!" Allison yells as a demon approaches her with scissors.
"Don't worry, sweetheart. We're just making you more comfortable," the demon says with a wink. He runs the scissors along the seams of her favorite flannel, cutting the thick fabric with ease. The demon tosses the flannel aside, revealing her black tank top underneath.
"Oh, no no no. This won't do." He smiles as he cuts off the tank top.
"Stop!" Allison yells. "What the hell is happening?"
"I think you're smart enough to figure it out," the demon says as he starts to cut off her jeans.
After the jeans are removed, the demon steps back and admires his work. Her undergarments are fully revealed; a black bra paired with black lacy underwear. Allison cringes and holds back tears as she feels the demons admiring her body. One demon approaches her and lightly caresses her thigh.
"You're exquisite," he whispers. "I'll take her first," he announces, cueing the other demons leave.
"It's nice to finally meet you, Miss Winchester," he drags out.
"You've heard of me?" Allison asks, deeply disturbed.
"Who hasn't?" He grins at her as he starts tracing around her body with his finger. "Wow. For how much I hate God, I still have to admit that he did a real nice job with you, sweetheart." His hand travels down to her butt and he sighs contentedly.
"Ohh. Especially with that." He smiles at her, his face an inch from her own.
"Please don't," she whispers painfully. The demon ignores her and kisses her cheek, his lips traveling down her neck.
"Aww. Virgins are always so innocent and sweet," he whispers back before he suddenly rips off her bra, revealing her supple breasts.
"Wow. You've never been touched like this have you, little girl?" His hand travels down to her panties.
"Don't," she says, her voice firm.
"You know, you saying that just makes me want to do it more." The demon grins, climbing up on the table and adjusting himself on top of her. Allison shuts her eyes tight as she feels his hard bulge pressing into her thigh.
"You're the perfect woman," he whispers and strokes her body. "Soft and slender," he says with a squeeze of her ass as a tear glides down her face. "And such a pretty face." He wipes her tear away. "Tell me you want it, Winchester." He breathes heavily into her ear.
"Get the fuck off of me, you bastard!" She cries. "Somebody help me!" He shushes her and strokes her soft blonde hair.
"Let's get started."
The demon pulls her panties below her wide hips and alluring thighs, making Allison sob pathetically. She can hardly breathe, let alone try to make an escape out of this hell-hole. Just as the demon starts to unbutton his pants, the door crashes open.
"Hey!" Sam yells. The demon jumps up, startled but he still has a sick grin plastered across his face. Dean comes running in and tackles the demon to the floor. Sam approaches the demon with the knife as Dean holds the demon down. Yet, before Sam can kill the demon, a black cloud of smoke leaves the demon's body.
"You fucking coward!" Dean yells, punching the empty vessel. Dean continues to pummel the man until Sam lays a hand on his shoulder.
"Dean, he's gone. Now, he's just some guy," Sam says and Dean huffs angrily. The brothers then focus in on the one thing that matters. They turn to her: naked, bound and helpless.
"Please don't look at me," Allison cries, completely mortified. Sam immediately takes off his jacket and covers her up as Dean cuts the thick ropes restraining her. Sam kneels down to Allison's eye level and holds her hand as her sobs fill up the empty room.
"Allison, what did they do to you?" Sam asks, his voice nearly breaking.
"Th-they just touched me and said terrible things, but they d-didn't...go further," she shakily whimpers. Dean looks over his sister and sees how scared she is. It makes him sick with hatred.
"This shouldn't have happened to you. It's just disgusting," Dean spits. Sam looks up at Dean and sees a tear trail down his brother's face. Dean tucks Allison's hair behind her ear and she smiles softly.
"Thank you for finding me." She sighs, starting to feel at ease again.
"Don't worry, Al. You're safe now. You're safe with us."

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